

Responses from mapman

Something For The Fuse Guys ...
Gotta love it when vendors make "cheapskate" references, essentially resorting to name calling in a desperate attempt to create interest in a product. That says it all really, which is steer clear.  
Why does streaming need to be so complex
I use the camera adaptor with a Chord Mojo DAC and it sounds fine. Have you tried it? That’s the only way to know. Not a big investment. Many people (including me) use it with very high quality headphone setups as well. You do need a compatible co... 
Why does streaming need to be so complex
Any smartphone, tablet or computer with apple lightning or usb digital outputs to an external dac can be used for high quality streaming using most any source or app including somehing new like Amazon hd music. . No special devices needed. 
Am I the only one who doesn’t love Harbeth P3esr?
Lots of very strong competition at their price point and they are very small compared to many so one better really take to what Harbeth tends to do uniquely I would expect.  That would be vocals, which is very important thing to do well.  
High end audio - mid range ears
 I strongly recommend them to anyone interested.    Should be easily returnable as well if needed I would think via Amazon.I still run 7 different pair of speakers in 6 different rooms and enjoy each setup very much. 
High end audio - mid range ears
I have a pair in my wife’s 12X12 sunroom. I’ve had larger passive speakers in there in the past costing up to 5X these. Best sound I have had in there to date. Top notch within their limits and very adjustable. which is important.You can stream vi... 
High end audio - mid range ears
High end audio - mid range ears
With the technology available these days, $600 buys a system that can compete with the big boys. The key is to get in step with modern technology and what it can achieve.Gotta move forward, not backwards.  
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
I’m listening to a pair of $600 active speakers with 4 built in amps, dac, DSP and all built in via iPhone and Spotify as I type and thinking even with a wireless Bluetooth connection this stuff need not cost a fortune anymore these days if the ve... 
Most annoying post period
Music is supposed to stir the soul. No room for annoying.  
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
GEoffkait is projecting again..... 
Something For The Fuse Guys ...
@pragmasiYou might find here that there is an direct relationship between the amount of conjecture that goes into promoting a product and the likelihood of a dissenting view being accepted by the promoters.Also that self-proclaimed theoretical phy... 
Time to buy a class D amp?
LOL....not hifi..... Tell all the reviewers including Stereophile that have done positive reviews of various Class D amps that.  Not to mention the users like me.I get it.  We're all obsessed with something.  Some are obsessed with Class D not bei... 
Tubes or not
Any mhdt tube DAC (NOS) should fit the bill of providing a sound different than your current DAC that you might like better.I use a mhdt Constantine (SS DAC) still in my main system.  It's been there happily for several years.   I had both that an... 
What is wrong here.. on Audiogon?
Your question about specific gear can only really be answered in a meaningful way by those few that are actually familiar with the Pass gear whereas any shmo can offer an opinion about VU meters. You’ll find any topics based purely on conjecture t...