

Responses from mapman

Contest with reward
In the Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson 
Are you a special snowflake?
I think the boogeyman went that way  ——> 
Gaining listening experience without spending money
Listen to everything you can whenever you can and care about understanding why you hear what you do. You don’t have to own something to listen and facilitate training your ears. Also do a lot of reading to help build a good understanding of how hi... 
How long do you think it will take
Having respect for others and exhibiting good manners when interacting with people is a god thing not “political correctness”. These things have nothing to do with politics.  It’s a term people with political agendas toss around to justify bad beh... 
Jazz for someone who doesn't like jazz.
Yes good idea to spend some time with Ken Burn’s “Jazz” documentary and see where that might lead you.  
Should I be able to hear a 4Hz difference in my speakers?
Not much down there generally but there can be.This shows it well: https://sanfranciscoaudiophilesociety.com/interactive-frequency-chart-by-independent-recording-network/  
How long do you think it will take
I don’t want used products that people have painted with graphene.   I would rather take my chances elsewhere.  
Should I be able to hear a 4Hz difference in my speakers?
You probably need a very beefy high power high current amp into the little Totem’s to have any chance of much that can be heard happening at 28hz. Most amps will probably say uncle first. If the room is smaller rather than larger, that will also h... 
Should I be able to hear a 4Hz difference in my speakers?
Good question!28-32hz - you might be able to feel rather than hear the bass in that range a bit more if a) its in the recording b) the rest of your system has good response down to below 28hz and c) the room acoustics support it, but probably a ve... 
Distance between speakers - are the physics what they are?
With that limitation on setup, you would probably get better results with speakers that have very wide dispersion pattern. A pair of small Ohm Microwalsh which are largely omnidirectional would fit and might be worth a try. http://www.audioreview.... 
Uptone EtherRegen
@lancelock One of these days (post social distancing now?) I will make it down finally to hear your stuff. It looks like you have nothing but some of the best gear I have heard running down there these days and a lot of solid thought and research ... 
Uptone EtherRegen
It would be interesting to know if anyone uses this device with a Benchmark DAC and if so how much difference there is in that case.  
Uptone EtherRegen
Networks and USB carry only the electric signal needed to represent the bits. Computer protocols used assure each bit is transmitted and received 100% accurately. Otherwise no application that relies on them could work at all. There is no audio si... 
Uptone EtherRegen
No, clock only comes into play at the DAC where the bits must be converted at the right time to make an analog signal that represents the music. All bits on the network are the same and protocols ensure all bits get transmittted 100% correctly. If... 
Uptone EtherRegen
OK but there is no clock involved with a network connection, only with a digital audio connection to DAC where the digital signal is converted to analog to make the time-based signal for music.Granted any computer devices can generate more or less...