

Responses from mapman

Are Preamplifier’s Relevant Today or just a Hinderance with Digital Playback ?
You can easily get by without a separate pre-amp it’s your choice.  
Small Footprint SS Power Amps
Various Bel Canto models.  
At the moment the one that comes to mind is “Lizard” by King Crimson ( remastered by Steven Wilson of Porcupine Tree fame and various other accolades) which is actually a suite and somehow manages to fuse a little bit of everything including rock,... 
Turntables.....A point of diminishing returns?
Exotic turntables are like museum pieces.   You don’t judge them solely on performance.  Consider them engineering works of art.  
Raven Audio Nighthawk
What is so embarrassing exactly? Trying to represent all people like you signed up to do and the job requires? Trying to do the right thing knowing you won’t please everybody? Being respectful to others and their differing views and perspectives? ... 
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Millercarbon Proven Wrong!!! Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!!
@bewgow, why would it take guts to try your Mr Silver cord? Probably because you will be discredited and put through h-ll by the shills if you don’t care for it publicly and tow the line being pitched.Been there/done that. I don’t get involved wit... 
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Millercarbon Proven Wrong!!! Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!!
There always seems to be a single highly contested position reserved here for chief narcissist. 
Guitar Solos
Shout out for Craig Chaquico on Jefferson Starship  “Ride The Tiger”.  
Japanese Audio
Good read: https://ohmspeaker.com/news/voicing-speakers-my-japanese-experience/ 
Klipsch Cornwall IV
Assuming something is only as good as the weakest link in the chain, if the pro gear used to make recordings is in fact inherently inferior, then it follows that we are all screwed. Any attempt to make things better during playback is pure folly. ... 
NPS-1260 Connection fluid
How is it that this particular product is allowed  to get panned by people who have not tried it?   Is the hired shill on coffee break or something? 
NPS-1260 Connection fluid
This is nothing. Wait until you try Mapman’s Meta Contact Goop + (MMCG+). Coming soon. Right after my funky fuse. It will be way better than this and TC combined with no health hazards and a much better bargain. You will have to try it to see. 
system/room equalized flat from 20 to 20k cps--is yours?
Not me.But I may play with something like miniDSP at some point when I have time to spare, but things sound great already so no great rush.  I do pay a lot of attention to room acoustics otherwise though  and always strive to  take that into accou... 
Townshend Audio F1 Fractal Speaker Cables
My view is engineering is fine for cars and bridges, things we understand really well. Audio is not one of those things You can't make these things up... 
New-ish to Audiogon Forums... Is it always like this?
It’s just  part of the program.