

Responses from mapman

Raven Audio and Beyond...
I am in the speakers first camp. Reason being the room acoustics are the hardest thing to change/fix so you have to get the speaker room integration right first then find the amp best suited for the speakers. Modest power Tube amps will work and ... 
Architectural Digest finally shows audio gear!
Looks like Bosch has a very lively room where it is often the case less is more so the Mc probably does nicely with the Ohms in there. Smart choice both architecturally and acoustically going Ohm/Omni in that room. Impeccable   taste that Bosch! 👍  
2022 Audio System Wish List and thoughts about streaming
No clue.  I’m pretty well set.  Listen to new gear when I can and see what happens I suppose. The usual thing.   
Recommendations Wanted
I’d go Klipsch Forte 4.   
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption
…and I thank you for always sharing your learnings with others here as well. Perhaps if we are fortunate we will learn something as well.  🙏  
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption
@mahgister I personally find your posts here very interesting and well informed  and I actually learn a lot of new things about philosophers and such. I suspect many others do as well. I do think you could do better to stay on topic though. We al... 
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption
It’s not all spam of course but a significant portion of it could easily be deemed unsolicited so maybe. Always best to stay on point in any public debate. The more one does that the more effective they become as a communicator and in conveying th... 
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption
You shouldn’t get insulted if someone sees things a bit differently than you do. Just take it for whatever it’s worth. Constructive criticism is exactly that. It’s always better to stay on point. Of course it’s a free forum so one can post whateve... 
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption
Well the posts are off topic and nothing to do with audio or music  but so what? Technically it’s unsolicited so spam no matter and there are rules/guidelines about that. Solution is start a thread on the topic and tie it to audio or music. Then i... 
Are tubes psychological?
Anything that affects your psych effects how you respond to music.  Plain and simple.   
What'd You Get For Xmas?
Bupkes. 😭  
Santa didnt bring me a $20k linestage
Bad Santa.   
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
Tekton is not in same efficiency class as the others.   
A review of Dynaudio C2 vs KEF Blade 2
Interesting read. Thanks. I’ve owned similar but smaller Dynaudio and KEF in recent years and your assessment rings true in general. I do suspect two Benchmark amps would be yet another step up with those KEFs from what I read.  
How do you get Happy as an Audiophile?
Do what you can for good sound not just for yourself but even more with others.