Responses from mapman
I wonder what you would think if we scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting? The problem with internet socializing is the risk of scammers. They are everywhere these days and very sophisticated in their methods. Probably not a good idea to invite a bunch of strangers to get together on the internet to share info. | |
After years of separates, I'm going integrated. Anyone else do the same? It’s a timeless tune. One of my favorites written by a Beatle and that video does it due justice. | |
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good? There is still lots to hear in even a mediocre recording and a better system will do a better job of delivering what’s there. That means a better listening experience and a better listening experience means the mediocre recording just got better. | |
I wonder what you would think if we scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting? Try it and see. | |
After years of separates, I'm going integrated. Anyone else do the same? Other integrated amp makers worthy of consideration include NAD, Cambridge Audio, Bel Canto Rega and Rogue. | |
One guitar, or three? Wishbone Ash and the Outlaws I think. | |
Should I turn my CD player off when I am finished for the day Follow the makers instructions. If not there then the safe thing to do is turn it off. But one can always do whatever they decide makes them feel best for whatever reason. It’s a free country and Personally this is not something worth worrying abo... | |
Why do folks spend more on electronics than on speakers? Because they like electronics more than speakers? | |
The Law of Accelerating Returns @mahgister gotta disagree. The technology can easily be the bottleneck once the acoustics are addressed properly. An integrated amp however means less technology integration to get right. The experts have addressed that for you and the product sol... | |
After years of separates, I'm going integrated. Anyone else do the same? Anyone who wants to cut to the chase for better sound rather than do it themselves should strongly consider an integrated amp these days in order to cut to the chase. The technology has come a long way and there is probably one out there for every... | |
The Law of Accelerating Returns It’s true that if the system is in good shape ie no serious bottleneck then one is free to deal with the room. You can hire experts for that as well or most people can just have at it themselves with some good references for guidance. It’s another... | |
The Law of Accelerating Returns Every system has a bottleneck, ie the thing that limits performance. It’s just a question of how much it matters. Can be very hard to determine with hifi gear. It takes a lot of work regression testing ie changing one thing at a time and compari... | |
The magic of outdoor listening Looking forward to warmer weather soon to get in more outdoor listening. | |
The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same? Most new DACs are good and closer to sounding similar than in the past but surely not all sound the same. Good sounding ones are a dime a dozen though these days. Almost hard to find a bad sounding DAC anymore. Good times for music lovers. | |
High quality CDs Most classical CDs sound very good on a good modern system with a good dac and source. Certainly not noisy and anemic. I listen to them all the time. Vinyl too. Not always the case in the past. I’m talking most good quality gear in last few years.... |