

Responses from mapman

Is Old Music Killing New Music?
One of teh nice things about streaming is it enables exploring music that otherwise might go unheard.   You don't have to buy to listen and you can let the service decide what to play next that you might like....you don't have to even know about i... 
Is Old Music Killing New Music?
THere is a composer/conductor named Steve Hackman who is taking new music like Rap, Radiohead, Coldplay, and others and mixing it with the classics to form new hybrid versions of the older classic standards that might appeal to a wider modern audi... 
Is Old Music Killing New Music?
Neither of my 20 something kids are big fans of new music only. My daughter likes the 80s in particular and both mix it up quite a bit. I’ve always exposed them both to all kinds of music growing up both at home and about. Streaming services chang... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
Sounds like there are some frustrated censors out there.   
Is Old Music Killing New Music?
There is more and more music to choose from over time.  That’s a wonderful thing!  
Law of Accelerated Returns
Call it what you will it is  all about how much one values any particular improvement and how much it costs to achieve it.    
Law of Accelerated Returns
You can’t hit the target until you know where it is.   
Those who seek to deny access to information
I don’t see where the forums are stopping anyone from being serious audiophiles. It’s actually much easier to get really good sound these days than ever. So in that sense more successful audiophiles than ever. Times change. Gotta get with the time... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
Always nice to have options....  
Thinking of taking the plunge.
Three general ways these days: 1) Smartphone, tablet or computer to hifi 2) Media streamer like Roku as the source 3) dedicated audio streamer......Bluesound is the popular place for many there.  
Madonna's soundstage
IT was recorded using some special processing in its day that gives it that sound.   A few others back then as well.   "It is the first album ever to use the audio technology QSound."    
Those who seek to deny access to information
My thread about the prototype discs was taken down. Saw that and was quite surprised.   Maybe for venom being spewed (looks bad for the site)?   Maybe Agon taking a tougher stand wanting vendors to pay for advertisements?   Just guessing.   ... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
There are no churches here. Preachers are obviously not in short supply.    Just the facts ma’am….  
Those who seek to deny access to information
BTW I am not anti-tweak. My system is highly "tweaked" to get it to sound the way it does. Lots of sweat over the years and a significant $$$ investment. Just don’t beat me over the head if I am not on the same page as another on any specific topi... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
When people attack others for challenging essentially vacant products, my shill alarm goes off. Vacant meaning very limited information available other than the advertised effect on the sound. These products can’t stand on their own so they need p...