

Responses from mapman

Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
The 100s will probably work as good or better than the micros with your amp, but you may well be tempted to go with a bigger amp at some point to realize a real benefit.Another thing to consider and maybe ask John S. about is that the micros are r... 
Most Rockingest Preamp south of $2k used
Is there such a thing as a good pre-amp that is not "rocking"? 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
My Musical Fidelity A3CR is about 120w/ch into 8 ohm and almost double into 4 and does fine with the 100 S3s in my rooms that fall within the max room size recommendation for 100s.I can also say that all the 100 s3 and larger drivers love lots of ... 
good sounding low price speaker w/ front bass port
Second Triangle Titus (202) 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
Direct from builder and used are the wave of the future I am certain.My dealer hangs in there being open only on weekends except for appointments and has been in business this way as far back as I remember. I think it is a second source of income ... 
balanced battery tube pre streamer
Check out the integrateds with DAC on the Peachtree Audio Site.Not battery powered but very much in line with your theme.I saw once recently in a store but did not have time to audition. On my list of things to do someday..... 
Power Conditioners Recommendations
The observations about conditioning and analog sound surprise me. I assume we're talking about turntables. How does the power to a tt affect the sound? I thought it was only used to spin the table. Is it that conditioning makes the table spin at a... 
Would Like To Hear From Strain Gauge Owners
"I came away loving the Voice & finding the Strain Gauge more analytical like CD."Also Flying Red indicates the strain gauge design does transient response better than most others.Transient response is one area where CD has a clear advantage i... 
NO CES Updates???
I saw one at a local dealer recently.It caught my eye but I did not have a chance to listen.Next time.... 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
I have one local dealer who only carries only a few high quality, good value lines that cover most of the bases for most and operates in very modest quarters with low overhead. He provides discounts to repeat customers and has a nice assortment of... 
NO CES Updates???
MacDad,Was the Peachtree device you mention the Nova or Decco integrated?They both look like a nice package for the price. 
What is rebuffering?
If you have problems with a computer as the source, de-fragment the disk on the computer periodically to keep those bits flowing faster and check to see if there are any programs running in the background that can be stopped so that more resources... 
Pet Sounds: Most Overrated Album of All Time?
It was definitely influential.I've never heard it from start to finish though. The times I have given it a listen it did not capture me.It is on my list of albums to give another try though. Usually, when so many people praise or like something th... 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
I try to and have but I do worry about them. Its tough out there! 
What is rebuffering?
Sidssp has good recomendations.Devices like the Squeezebox and Roku Sounbridge have an onboard memory buffer or cache that is used to store bits in advance of the time at which they are needed downstream by the DAC so they do not have to be receiv...