

Responses from mapman

First Trip outside of Best Buy, a real newbie.
Tubes have a limited lifespan and require more maintenance, like a phono cartridge, compared to SS. If that bothers you, start with just one or two strategically placed tubes to keep troubleshooting easy if needed and go from there as desired.Be c... 
The best sounding Moody Blues CD recording I've heard is 1999's largely overlooked "Strange Times".The production and sound quality overall is superb, the best since "Days of Future Passed", which was conceived and implemented as an audio showpiec... 
The best "imaging" speakers?
Triangles are the best imaging speaks I've heard in a conventional box design. I've heard them totally disappear in systems where no other speakers did.Magicos were impressive also in this regard when I heard them but they are PRICEY.Omnis like OH... 
Recommendations for my less than ideal setup
Jaybo beat me to it.I second the OHM Micro Walsh Tall. From your description, look no further until you try these. The omni design will will work to your benefit in particular for this application as described. 
First Trip outside of Best Buy, a real newbie.
Don't go by % spent on parts.Synergy overall (sources to room acoustics) is key. You don't have to spend a lot to get great results in most rooms.Triangle Titus 202s are small monitor speakers that can match and in some ways even outperform much b... 
First Trip outside of Best Buy, a real newbie.
I am a big Magneplanar fan and owned a pair for years. They are hard to beat for the $$$ in regards to good sound and being "easy on the ear", meaning little or no fatigue factor. They tend to sound better the longer you listen. make sure this is ... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Me too.Its all worth it if the result is the ability to thoroughly enjoy your investment in music though! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
John Mayall - The Turning Point 
Where does fatique come from?
"fatigue can occur, as has been suggested when one attempts to focus, i.e., listen critically and analyze, for some period of time."So there must be a lot of fatigued audiophiles out there according to this.I thought listening to music was suppose... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
NEver heard Decware stuff.The ERR model is pretty new apparently.It appears to be geared more towards the low wattage tubed/SET amp crowd, which is interesting. 
Where does fatique come from?
"grammer"Spelled "grammar".Stop fatiguing yourself! 
Swap my klipsch heresy's for Ohm walsh 2
Of course I may be a bit biased as the owner of 3 pair of OHMs, but if you were looking to swap, I think you made a good choice.If you like the OHM sound, but think it could be even better, you have the option to upgrade to a more current, truly b... 
Where does fatique come from?
BTW, this is an excellent question. The best way to a pleasant listening experience is to eliminate or minimize factors that cause fatigue. It is something that is not discussed as often as are things like tubes versus SS, vinyl versus digital, de... 
Where does fatique come from?
Maggies are well known for being "easy on the ear". They are not fatiguing at all, sound better the longer you listen, and you are seldom inclined to stop as a result of fatigue. These are planar designs that have very good transient response (low... 
PSB Speakers - Which preamp is best
I'd try a used Juicy Music Peach tube pre-amp that might be had towards the top of your range.