
Responses from magnumpi205

Best $5,000 system for a small apt. in Stockholm
Heard the Guru set up at the RMAF.Integrated amp, CD payer and speakers built to work together. No matching problems.Exceptional sound for the money. 
Best lines in a song
Always a very current statement-"and the people bowed and prayed to the neon gods they made"S&G 
An Advent Guy
Don't forget the double stacked Advents. Sounded pretty good.Still have my Mac 230 and 275. Rebuilt and still sound great.Really miss my Marantz 7C, Mac 240s and Harbeth LS/35as, really engaging sound. 
How to lower noise floor through mods?
Feet- Isopods , sorbothane, Vibrapods, LATResisters- VishayChassis damping- SoundcoatHexfredsElectrolytics(power supply)- Blackgate, F&T, RDECoupling (output) caps-Mundorf gold, silver, ZNGood tech to get proper direction on caps, optimize wir... 
6sn7 tube question
PS Audio Ultralink DAC vs newer CD player
Sas QuachYou are where you need to be. If your transport takes a dive, just replace the transport.If you want a warmer sound you could go for a tube preamp. 
Best sub 4000 dollar standmount.
Harbeth Compact 7es3 
Why does Cary Audio keep discontinuing good amps?
Why do car companies keep discontinuing good cars? 
mid fi choices NAD vs Adcom vs Rotel ... $400
Most agreed upon best speaker?
Who are the Masses? 
Tube-friendly speakers
Spendor,Reference 3A, Gallo, Harbeth(3s) 
The Room, not us, determines our speaker choices
A great room can't make a poor speaker sound good. You can take a good speaker into a poor room and make the adjustments necessary.When you go to shows, there are certain speakers brands that consistently sound good. They are not necessarily the b... 
Ice Block Amps
Goatwuss,Check out what Dan Wright of Modwright has to say about the Wyred Amps. Seems like an extreme value.Have Dan Wright equiptment, he knows his stuff. 
PS Audio DL 3 or MF Tri Vista 21 DAC?
Have two DL3s and enjoy them because of the lack of hard edge in the treble. They are are easily upgraded.Using Analysis Plus and Kimber Illuminations digital cable with the edge going to the AP.First heard the units at RMAF2007 and they sounded q... 
Audiophile quality variacs to decrease voltage?
Try Ebay