
Responses from magnumpi205

Harbeth-7es or Fritzspeakers carbon-7
Heard the Fritz at the California Audio Show. At twice the price, the Harbeths are still a bargain.The speaker that I hadn't heard before was the Salk Songbird,extremely good value. Just a little more money than the Fritz. 
$4000 to Spend on Amp, Preamp and USB DAC
Would definitely go with Wyred 4 Sound. If you liked the Peachtree Dac, you'll love the Wyred DAC. Far superior chip with discrete output.Wyred integrated and you're set. 
Cheap but decent preamp ???
Audio Electronics AE-3 
ModWright KWA 100
Heard the Modwright 100 and 150 back to back at RMAF. Preferred the 100.Adcom 5500?The Wyred amps will astound you for their price. 
Klipschorn Imaging
AES(Cary) Superamp with a Bruce Moore or AES 3 preamp. Also, the Mesa Baron in triode is superb with above preamps.New ALK cossovers with Auricaps made a difference.Obviously the Khorns have to be in the corner, seating position in the crosshairs. 
What are the best small not bookshelf speakers?
Get a new wife?Monitor 90 
Nola Boxer speaker - for condo system
Denver has a very strong audio community. I would go to local dealers for a look and listen.Would upgrade the Oppo to SE version.Boxers are very revealing so amplification has to top notch,that excludes receivers.Manleys are good are Vincent, Wyre... 
Thoughts on Usher S-520's...upgrade?
Heard the Boxer at RMAF. Will not dissapoint.Also, check Ebay for Quads. The seller you looking for is Lanemart. I'm pretty sure he is the US distributer for Quad. Usually has demo or display items for sale in new condition. 
Thoughts on Usher S-520's...upgrade?
First of all, the 520's are pretty good speakers for the money.Great list by Pw 09.Unfortunately, I have heard most of the speakers on the list. Don't smoke or drink, so I need some kind of vice.Have the original Quad 12 and 11. Very good monitors... 
Antique Sound Lab Hurricane: powerful substitutes?
Mesa Baron 
Top 5 Hamburgers
Fatburger, South Lake Tahoe in Harrah's Casino. Need I say more. 
which not too expensive amp for Maggie 1.7 ?
Would go with the Wyred amps. Just heard the 1.7s again with a NAD amp, way too grainy. 
CIAUDIO VDC-9.0 Powering Wadia 170I Transport
Cleaner, clearer images from a darker background. Have had the set up for about a year and a half. Definite improvement over the wall wart. 
Best 6DJ8 tubes?
Amperex, best sounding and most reliable. Telefunkens can be a tad bit dark. 
Best Integrated, period.
Audio Note Ongaku