
Responses from macdadtexas

B&W vs Vandersteen?
if you jump up to the Vandy Quatro or 5a (used) then you are in the same league. I think the B & W is a better speaker for rock music and in a high end home theater. For everything else, I would choose the Vandy's they are just sublime. Also, ... 
Entry level dedicated preamp vs. reciever preamp
I seldom listen to my reciever in 2 channel. My preamp (Cary SLP98p F-1) has HT bypass, and when ever I use the reciever it's to watch video only, be it TV or Movies. All music goes through the Cary preamp. That said, the only difference that I ca... 
Entry level dedicated preamp vs. reciever preamp
Get a good 2 channel preamp, it won't color the music like your reciever will (I had that same reciever, and now have the 3808ci), and you will be shocked at the sound.I love the S2's, I think it's crazy to look at almost any other monitor, especi... 
Which moving magnet cartridge mm 4 vpi classic?
I started with the Blackbird, then when I wanted to try another LO cartridge, I had to get a step up transformer too.But, I dont' think the Blackbird is going cheap at all with the Classic. i loved the combo. 
looking for interconnect under 200 dollars
wow, after reading this I realize how ignorant some of you are. Don't you know that the most important piece of Audio Gear is the power Cable? It determines all of the sound.Let's say you have $2000 amp, that needs a $1500 power cable.Your $3000 p... 
Tube-amp for Magnepan?
this reminds me of the scene in Forrest Gump where he endorses the Ping Pong paddle."When I was in China I used my........." 
Which moving magnet cartridge mm 4 vpi classic?
Sumiko Blackbird 
Choice between Weiss Minerva & Berkley Alpha DAC
Entry level dedicated preamp vs. reciever preamp
those are some very serious, and excellent, speakers, I think you would see a huge improvement in sound from a dedicated 2 channel preamp. Why don't you just go with a 2.1 system for everything?Look at Bryston, McIntosh, ARC used SS preamps, what ... 
Tube-amp for Magnepan?
How far is Bryston from Bear Lake? Seems like Magnepan feels proximity is not as important to them as the amps that match the best. I have heard the IIIa's many time with high powered SS amps, and they act very much like my 3.6r's do, they open up... 
Are you ever satisfied?
it is fun, I love to play music, and I love to play with the gear as well. It's a double positive!I am sorry I didn't get into vinyl earlier, because there is more stuff to mess with, and of course I like the sound much better. 
Are you ever satisfied?
No, there is always something better out there. When the system sounds better than it ever has, as it currently does, I want to find some way to improve it.This usually involves messing something up first, then getting a very small, if any, improv... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
I can whole-heartedly add>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Replacements - Pleased to Meet Meto me, perfect, every song is great 
Tube-amp for Magnepan?
Atmasphere, I completely disagree as do the majority of people who have ever dealt with Magnepan's, especially the larger models. I have owned, and tested Maggies and amp combos for years, and my excellent local dealer (who went out of business, s... 
Tube-amp for Magnepan?
I've tried a bunch of high powered tube amps at the dealer, with Maggies, and witht he exception of the crazy priced VTL's and ARC's, they didn't hold a candle to the highpowered SS amps.Bryston, SandersSound, Cary Mono's, Parasound Monos, those a...