
Responses from macdadtexas

cleaning with VPI 16.5 and Mobile Fidelity brushes
Maggie MMG
When I had an Innersound ESL (what a great amp), I had it driving 1.6qr's and then 3.6R's, both with great effect.I never listen to compressed music of any kind.I probably go 90% vinyl, then the other 10% is lossless files through a very good DAC ... 
Maggie MMG
I have had many pair of Maggies, and I think they abosolutely rock. The don't bloat bass, which many people confuse with punch and impact, but they do measureably reproduce the bass that is claimed in their literature. My favorite part of my Maggi... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The Replacements - Pleased to Meet Me (great new pressing)Rolling Stones - Exhile on MainstreetINXS - Kick (reminds me of Exhile, that's why I pulled it out)Chet Baker - Chet 
any early 80's alt/soft punk fans out there?
Bongofurious, that's awesome. I hope it's during the summer (that's until Nov in Southeast Texas) so that I can do a SoCal get-away to cool off. 
Speakers with deep base would be my first suggestion, and you can also find Watt Puppies, used, in that range as well.Great bass from these speakers. I don't know what the r... 
Speakers with deep base
any of the Wilson Audio speakers, or higher model B & W's, they have great bass. 
Well Tempered Classic or Technics SP10Mk2
OK, I have heard the SP10 II with the EPA-100 arm and it was a nice "vintage" turntable, but when I heard it with the Triplanar (can't remember the model) it was a reference playback system.I know someone with the SP 10 and EPA arm, so I am going ... 
Need DAC help
Dude, dude, dude!! With your budget and current excellent gear, I think the PS Audio (as suggested) or the Benchmark would be great matches. I have had both, and they are both great, I think the Benchmark is more detailed. 
How far do you sit from your speakers
I'm sitting on the sofa in the picture of my system, that is on my system setup.My Maggies are set up almost exactly like Elizabeth's (my youngest middle name, and she's so freakin cute!!) and I set a bit closer 10'. The Maggies throw out such a h... 
2k$ speakers that meet my criteria?
I also would suggest the Vandy's, 2ce Sig can be had for that price.For what you want, I would avoid Maggies, they will need an expensive amp to get what you want out of them.I would also consider some Paradigm Reference Monitors, the S4, that's a... 
Need DAC help
What's your budget? There are a couple of great post recently regarding DAC's I would search those for some ideas as well.Good luck. 
any early 80's alt/soft punk fans out there?
Oddly enough, I have only discovered the Pixies and Mission of Burma in the last year. The re-issue of Doolittle and Surfer Rosa by MFSL made me curious. Somehow I had never heard of the Pixies. They are absolutely great. After reading about them,... 
Apple TV sound quality as a transport
It's possible, what files is the AppleTV sending to the DAC? If they are ripped lossless files (AppleLossless or FLAC) then it could be better.But if it sounds better to you, then it definitely sounds better. 
Well Tempered Classic or Technics SP10Mk2
I think it's not as simple as which one is better, because the SP10's that I have heard have been some of the best playback systems I have ever heard, when set up correctly.The obsidian base and arm should be replaced if you want to compete, or be...