
Responses from m297904

Why so many amplifiers for sale?
Because:1. They can2. There really is not much difference and they're trying the next latest fashion - yesterday it was Chinese amps, today it's digital amps, tomorrow it's ...3. They are actually making money on it! The audiophile stereo business... 
Unbalanced to balanced adaptor
Jayboard,The cheapest and BEST QUALITY is to make your own RCA to XLR adapters. The following is from Michael Percy Audio (www.percyaudio.com) You may want to email him to ask if a 75ohm version for digital applications is any different:By using t... 
Review: Behringer DEQ2496 Equalizer
The "common scuttlebut" for use as a Bass equalizer is for the Behringer Feedback Destroyer Pro DSP1124A (or its predecessor the DSP1100). Also fyi, the DSP1124A is now being replaced by the FBQ2496...All of these units operate as feedback killers...