
Responses from m297904

Why the Distain For the Rotel RB-1080 Power Amp?
You might want to check out the Parasound and Rotel forums on htguide.comThere are a lot of people who have compared the two (Parasound Halo and Rotel) and can give you an idea of the difference. From what I remember, the Rotel is great value for ... 
Apogee Centaur Major or Magnepan MG-20/20.1 ?
I had a pair of Slant 8's. The Slant 8's were the replacement for the Centaur Majors - both were hybrid ribbons - i.e conventional driver for the bass with a mid/high ribbon.When I first got them, the bass was muddy and the highs were a little gra... 
Surge protection for SF Line 3
I highly recommend the Richard Gray system since it is a "parallel" conditioner. Chris Johnson is probably most concerned about current limiting - NOT an issue with the RGPC 600 or 1200 (or even 400). Being a parallel conditioner, it is the most e... 
Review: Dahlquist DQ-10 Speaker
Jjh92,I have had a pair of DQ-10's since 1983. I have had them alone, with subs and now, in my HT system (with subs again albeit not the DQ-1W). They are the mirror imaged version and FYI, any pair can be retrofitted to be mirror imaged.They allow... 
What happened to Aragon, Camelot?
They killed the Aragon line a while ago...Hopes that they would revive it have diminished greatly based on their own discussion forum. The forum used to have about 5 different Aragon groups, now it is just one: http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/20/... 
How do you pay? Why?
I always prefer to pay via Paypal and always offer to pay via CASH transfer so if the person has a PERESONAL account (you can have more than one Paypal acct btw) they can avoid the fees as well. When I am selling, I prefer Paypal but I only accept... 
What's the best speaker cable for a 20ft run?
Hmmm, 11ga minimum, low capacitance, reasonable price?That's easy!!!Canare 4S11Great wire at a great price! 
What's the difference between Proceed's amplifiers
With all due respect to Jmcgrogan2, the fact that the amps are out of production should have no bearing on your decision to purchase them. Buying these amps puts you in the same boat as ANY amp that is out of warranty. You will have to pay for rep... 
Any active/passive preamps with penny & giles pot?
Aragon preamps used the P&G pot. On earlier models (18K, 28K) I think it was an option but the Aurum had it standard. Not sure about the 24K (Klipsch built unit?). This EBay guide has all the details of which has what:http://www.reviews.ebay.c... 
Lead shot VR4jr's
Ditto on the new points. It happened to me with the VR-2's. Get some cones and it will help stop the base of the speaker from self-destructing. When you turn the speakers back over try to lift the speaker onto the cones instead of pivoting onto th... 
RE: Kinergetics KBA-75
I'm pretty sure they are to run balanced interconnects without having to use the XLR connector. Simaudio uses the same setup on the W5.Do you stil have this amp? What do you think of it? What have you compared it to? 
DIY CDP Platform...
Audiobugged,Glad you noted that.I don't mind people trying to make a profit but it is NOT a "Custom" isolation platform!!!It is a bamboo cutting board that is super dense - think rock hard maple. It should work great as the basis for an isolation ... 
CES: Where have all the Argent Room Lenses gone???
The answer is simple. It is no longer in production.Why wouldn't they keep using a product that was SUPPOSED to improve the sound so much?That answer is simple too. It didn't make a bit of difference in 95% (100%?) of the cases.Uhhhh, did you stum... 
are all power conditioners noisy?
I have an API Power Wedge 116 - hums.I complained to the mfr and they replced two of the three isolation transformers. It helped tremendously but guess what? It still hums - just not as bad.I also have the Monster HTS 5100 - hums too.If it has a t... 
What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?
I have the Earmax and I think it sounds great with the HD600's. For your price range you can upgrade to the higher output Earmax Pro (not that you need it with the HD600's). The bigger advantage of the Pro is that it has a more common tube set mak...