
Responses from louisl

Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
Audio Aero Capitole MkII. The only piece in my system that I have no desire to upgrade or change. It is that good, period! 
Tube Amp suggestions for VSA VR4-SE's?
To 1markr,To answer your question:The front end is an Audio Aero MKII cd player (just wonderful) going directly into the amplifiers, no preamp. I had tried using the AA cdp with a preamp, but actually prefered bypassing the preamp all together. My... 
3.6 Maggie owners input needed on amps...........
After owning a pair of 3.6's, the best I found to drive them was the new Innersound amp. It has clarity that allows the smallest of details to shine thru without any brightness or glare. The midrange is just right, and the top end is way, way exte... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Steve-Thanks for the thoughts. I guess I'll just have to get one and see for myself. You really have me thinking regarding you comment about the "nuaunce a good valve preamp brings". I do know what you mean, as I have owned several very good tube ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I usually have little response to the postings here on A'gon, but after reading the hundreds of wonderful postings regarding the Supratek I simply couldn't resist. Currently, I have found, what I think, IMHO, is actually the best preamp in the wor... 
I am considering the Piega C-8 Limited or the P10.
Bigkidz,I knew the question was 'general' in nature. My current system consists of an Audio Aero MkII CDP directly into a new Innersound power amp (300 watts into 8 / 600 into 4), that is driving a pair of Magnepan 3.6R's. I use a REL Storm III su... 
Am I underpowering my Magnepan 3.6's?
Tok2000..Thanks for the response! The rest of my system is an Audio Aero Capitole MK II directly into the Lervinson driving the 3.6R's. In addition, I am using a REL Storm III sub. Speaker cables and interconnects are Cable Research Lab bronze. Fo... 
Am I underpowering my Magnepan 3.6's?
Audibleguy, I heard many positive things about using the Bryston amps with the Maggies, but unfortunately, have never heard the pairing. In doing some research into the matter, I have come across another three recomendations. They are the McCormac... 
Am I underpowering my Magnepan 3.6's?
Thanks Aball, you're absolutely right. I do need to check with a db meter, as I am guessing that my listening range is around 90-95db. It will prove interesting to actually see what the true level of my listening sessions are! From their, I can go... 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
I was using a Jadis Defy 7, but didn't like it. I traded it for a Levinson 334. That was much better. It actually sounded more tube like in tonal character than the Jadis. As an additional benefit, the speaker sounded as it was being controlled be... 
Tube life / Replacement Question -Capitole MK II.
Yes, I agree, point to point wiring is the way to go, I'm just not sure that it is for this application (ie, tubes).Now, when I have to (or just want to) replace the tubes I'll have to pay to ship my unit out of town. Figure two to three days to s... 
Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems
Lall: I don't know who Mr. Combelles is (perhaps you could let me know), however, I have emailed Darrell (above - he says he is the guy who services Audio Aero), and here is his response: If you plan to not use the unit for a week or more definite... 
Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems
Thanks for the response, Lwatson! If the heater remains on, couldn't that also fail prematurely due to it's constant 'on' state in standby? Or, in other words, does the 10,000 hours of tube life refer to 10,000 hours of actual use (ie, while actua... 
Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems
Tube life / Replacement Question -Capitole MK II.I've owned my MKII for about a month now, with zero problems, and I love it. But I have a question. I notice, that when I have the unit in Standby, the tubes are still on. The expected tube life is ... 
CD Player Connected Directly to Amp
Recently, I took the plunge and purchased an Audio Aero MKII. It replaced a Metronome T1A Transport and C1A DAC and a Genesis digital lens - one Conrad Johnson 17LS preamp - one Gold FIM and one Marigo Apparition 5.6 digital interconnects, one pai...