
Responses from lou_setriodes

How Do You Organize Your Music?
LP's - alphabetically - separate section for classicalCD's - alphabetically - separate section for classicalCassettes - prerecorded ones by color of the case and home made ones by type of tape8 tracks - are only for posterity 
Movies with...
In Philadelphia, Tom Hanks had a Sonic Frontiers amp, EAD cd player and I forget the electrostatic speakers.In an old Twilight Zone, Dom Delouise (I believe) had a McIntosh tube stack.Isn't it funny how us audiophiles will try our hardest to find ... 
What is the best Beatle Song
Don't let me downLong & Winding RoadEleanor RigbyShe's Leaving HomeYou've got to hide your love awayThe night beforeThings we said todaycould go on & on here 
Who R U?
My name is Lou and from my username I guess you can figure out what I think sounds best. I'm 46 years old and live in a Western suburb of Philadelphia and have been in Philly my whole life. I'm a diehard Eagles fan and typical Phrustrated Philly f... 
solid state power amps, golden oldies
One amp manufacturer is not here - B&K Components - they made great amps during this time period. The ST-140 was probably their biggest seller and was rated as one of the ten best buys in Audio according to HiFi Heretic magazine. I had one and... 
Rarest Brands for Sale on 'Gon
How about Rauna Tyr or Tyr II speakers? This was the very first hi end speaker I heard about 20 yrs ago when I went into my first hi end audio store. They blew me away. A miniature Vandersteen with Rosewood top and bottom plate and concrete on the... 
Best lines in a song
"What time is it?" said the judge to Joey when they met."Five to ten," said Joey.Judge said, "that's exactly what you get" Bob Dylan/DesireThe price of meat has just gone up and your old lady has just gone down...look here brutha, who you jivin wi... 
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo
1. Carlos Santana/Moonflower - Transcendence2. Outlaws/Green grass & high tides3. Allman Bros/Fillmore East - Whipping Post4. Derek & the Dominoes/In Concert - Why does love got to be so sad...the list goes on and on, Hendrix, Jeff Beck, N... 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
Only 2x in 25 years have I ever stopped looking. Each time I didn't make a change for 5 years. Both systems were based around tube amps. First system I had for 5 yrs was a Mac MC225 amp, Music Reference RM5 mkII pre and ProAc Studio 1 speakers...S... 
Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?
B&K, B&K, B&k - for hi power the eX-442 or EX-442 sonata, lower power ST-140 - very tube like for a SS amp because of the mosfet output...thanks, Louis 
Power amp under 500...
If you are looking for SS - the B&K EX-442 or 442 Sonata (later version) is an awesome sounding amp that is underrated imo...I owned one many years ago and it is extremely tube like but dynamic too...200w into 8 ohms, 360w into 4, 75 amps peak... 
In need of assistance: integrated amp selection
I have a tube int that I am told crushes the Jolida 502B...and its a lot less expensive too...$379 gets you an awesome sounding PP triode int amp with many extra tubes...you can then buy a great sounding cd player like a Naim cd 3.5 or Rega Jupite... 
My first tube integrated amp max $500 new/used
I have a tube integrated that is much less than $500 and I don't think you could find anything new or used that is as good sounding as my amp. It is a custom built int amp that is wonderful sounding...it is low powered, but don't let the power rat...