Responses from lou_setriodes
How Do You Organize Your Music? LP's - alphabetically - separate section for classicalCD's - alphabetically - separate section for classicalCassettes - prerecorded ones by color of the case and home made ones by type of tape8 tracks - are only for posterity | |
Movies with... In Philadelphia, Tom Hanks had a Sonic Frontiers amp, EAD cd player and I forget the electrostatic speakers.In an old Twilight Zone, Dom Delouise (I believe) had a McIntosh tube stack.Isn't it funny how us audiophiles will try our hardest to find ... | |
What is the best Beatle Song Don't let me downLong & Winding RoadEleanor RigbyShe's Leaving HomeYou've got to hide your love awayThe night beforeThings we said todaycould go on & on here | |
Who R U? My name is Lou and from my username I guess you can figure out what I think sounds best. I'm 46 years old and live in a Western suburb of Philadelphia and have been in Philly my whole life. I'm a diehard Eagles fan and typical Phrustrated Philly f... | |
solid state power amps, golden oldies One amp manufacturer is not here - B&K Components - they made great amps during this time period. The ST-140 was probably their biggest seller and was rated as one of the ten best buys in Audio according to HiFi Heretic magazine. I had one and... | |
Rarest Brands for Sale on 'Gon How about Rauna Tyr or Tyr II speakers? This was the very first hi end speaker I heard about 20 yrs ago when I went into my first hi end audio store. They blew me away. A miniature Vandersteen with Rosewood top and bottom plate and concrete on the... | |
Best lines in a song "What time is it?" said the judge to Joey when they met."Five to ten," said Joey.Judge said, "that's exactly what you get" Bob Dylan/DesireThe price of meat has just gone up and your old lady has just gone down...look here brutha, who you jivin wi... | |
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo 1. Carlos Santana/Moonflower - Transcendence2. Outlaws/Green grass & high tides3. Allman Bros/Fillmore East - Whipping Post4. Derek & the Dominoes/In Concert - Why does love got to be so sad...the list goes on and on, Hendrix, Jeff Beck, N... | |
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking? Only 2x in 25 years have I ever stopped looking. Each time I didn't make a change for 5 years. Both systems were based around tube amps. First system I had for 5 yrs was a Mac MC225 amp, Music Reference RM5 mkII pre and ProAc Studio 1 speakers...S... | |
Which SS amps sound like a tube amp? B&K, B&K, B&k - for hi power the eX-442 or EX-442 sonata, lower power ST-140 - very tube like for a SS amp because of the mosfet output...thanks, Louis | |
Power amp under 500... If you are looking for SS - the B&K EX-442 or 442 Sonata (later version) is an awesome sounding amp that is underrated imo...I owned one many years ago and it is extremely tube like but dynamic too...200w into 8 ohms, 360w into 4, 75 amps peak... | |
In need of assistance: integrated amp selection I have a tube int that I am told crushes the Jolida 502B...and its a lot less expensive too...$379 gets you an awesome sounding PP triode int amp with many extra tubes...you can then buy a great sounding cd player like a Naim cd 3.5 or Rega Jupite... | |
My first tube integrated amp max $500 new/used I have a tube integrated that is much less than $500 and I don't think you could find anything new or used that is as good sounding as my amp. It is a custom built int amp that is wonderful sounding...it is low powered, but don't let the power rat... |