

Responses from lordmelton

750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference
@essrand I honestly don't care less what you think about me but you are not giving an honest in depth review. It's just you and your mate who came over on Saturday afternoon and chilled and played some tracks and thought "Hey man this is the same ... 
Aurender A10 help
Aurender music servers only connect direct to the internet not through Roon or anything else. They only do WIFI to the controlling app, another Aurender needs to be hard wired by ethernet. Hope this helps.  
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference
@essrand I suggested that you do a simple test and you decided not to do it. You possibly can't explain away what you've done as a review and your reputable reviewer shouldn't put his name to such an amateurish ensemble. Your sound comparisons ar... 
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference
@essrand What I would suggest is eliminate the streaming first and judge each on their sonic merits alone. So record your favorite track, one that you have heard 100's of time onto a USB stick. It probably would help if it has acoustic guitar and ... 
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference
A hard on for Aurender, one of your previous posts.   Aurender A10 help Got the A10 yesterday all hooked up and connected to the conductor app. Streaming Quobuz but getting no sound. Coltrane is playing and I see the meter jumping around but ... 
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference
Another promotional thread...your post is not a controlled experiment so caution to all..lol.  
Weiss 501 DAC
I've been to Switzerland many times and it's boring. Everything runs on time and works properly, but it's boring. I used to be a very avid fly fisherman and an older gentleman once asked me "What's fisherman's Hell?" He said "When you catch a fis... 
.? Digital Reclocking and syncing clocks does anyone know the correct Answrrsb
@jimob Good for you Jim. Digital has finally arrived big time!  
Weiss 501 DAC
@metaldetektor Oh sorry bang for my buck was 12 grand US for an Aurender N20 I could have spent more and gone for the N30 but I'm happy, very happy with the N20 and it's a one box solution which I like. If you think I'm cheaping out good luck to ... 
.? Digital Reclocking and syncing clocks does anyone know the correct Answrrsb
@mesonto I'm not having a jab at you or anyone else here. Just go and have a listen and make your own mind up instead of looking at specs all the time. Check a Mutec or similar out for re-clocking (huge difference) or word clock (small but subtle... 
Weiss 501 DAC
@verdantaudio I have never disputed the build quality or sound quality of Weiss they are a high end brand but the World has moved on. Look on the forum this is the only thread about Weiss while there are many threads about the Chinese DACs. Antho... 
Weiss 501 DAC
@verdantaudio So? What are you saying/ Have I contradicted myself? Musical Fidelity WAS a great brand under Anthony Michaelson now it'll most likely go down the poop chute so good luck with that. Distribute the hell out of it. Regarding Weiss did... 
.? Digital Reclocking and syncing clocks does anyone know the correct Answrrsb
@cindyment Yes TBH I don't know how a DAC works could you explain to me please?  
.? Digital Reclocking and syncing clocks does anyone know the correct Answrrsb
@cindyment  You really are off the charts...lol. Re-read what you quoted it confirmed what I originally said. Sources need to be re-clocked to give a DAC the best possible signal. What's wrong? Is your multimeter broken or something?  
If you feed a DAC with USB does XLR matter as much?
@soix  Musician DACs recommend that you use XLR analogue outputs not RCA. If you are using Computer Audio then USB will be your only choice for a digital input unless you put it through a USB/I2s converter, which I can't see being a great benefit...