

Responses from lordmelton

Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
It's the equivalent of holding your thumb on the scale. Why not do a proper review DAC to DAC using the same sources USB/SPDIF. It's all in the interests of science. Have a great Easter Weekend.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
Seems like US fresh air is much more expensive than Czech fresh air. At about $9k the Ayre QX-5 Twenty has about $4k worth of fresh air. This blatant profiteering is what will destroy the US audio industry. Disgusting.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
Welcome to the wide open spaces! BTW Okto is made in the Czech Republic, which is in Eastern Europe. There is a war in Eastern Europe. They are probably making instruments of war now.  
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
@abramsmatch  Thank you for your comparison but it is completely meaningless due the fact it is not a controlled experiment. What that means is both units have to be tested in the same manner using exactly the same periphery equipment. You have ... 
Do power supply units/cables make a difference in sound quality?
@baumwoll  Threshold amps are some of the greatest amps ever built. I personally use a Threshold Stasis 350e in one of my systems and I recently replaced the four rail fuses. I could not believe how great it sounds now, it was great before but no... 
@sacresta Is it this one? So switch everything off connect your USB cable to DAC slot and the other end to your DAC. And of course remove your analogue ICs from the Auralic and put them in your new DAC. Now switch Auralic on first and after i... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
Amir was on here last December, using a woman's name. I think he identifies as a woman because he uses a woman's avatar on ASR. Funny, Ted Denney from SR was posting at the same time. Amir's Anti Christ..lol. Amir created mayhem with his insane,... 
Holo May KTE vs Meitner MA3
@glory you are more than welcome to discuss political matters by PM and thank you for your vote of confidence. I have the very greatest respect for @dbb and if he doesn't want politics discussed here I comply and totally respect him as the hifi a... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@melm  No problemo buddy, no one at ASR has enough pocket money to buy a 005. My system has never sounded so good, have a Power House Zero 2 fuse in the power conditioner and four HIFI-Tuning fuses in the power amp and waiting for six Synergistic... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@toddk31 I'm sure that we all look forward to and anticipate Amir's critique with bated breath. BTW what's Amir's favourite band or CD?  
AMP STRAIN : Balanced vs RCA
@moose89 Yeah I'd go along with the Navy sparks. It's all hocus pocus, voodoo shite. Make sure you put plenty of Vaseline on your ICs.  
recommended speaker cables and interconnects
@ghdprentice  +1 This is the best advice you'll get and Cardas will hold their price.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@turcoda Adding a usb card will just add to the total cost of this chain and won’t likely fix this issue. Ok so how is the USB being sent from your computer? Galvanic isolation starts at source not receiver. If the USB is being output from yo... 
@sacresta If this is what you have it doesn't have a digital output, so you cannot connect a DAC.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@turcoda OK firstly the problem needs to be isolated, so you need a different source, a laptop, to feed the 005 using the USB. If this is satisfactory then it's most likely an issue with your sound card. Try and use either the RCA Digital or Tosl...