

Responses from limomangus

Are CD players goig the way of the 8 track,and the cassette?
Sadly .....but as long as they make cd players there will be cds.Yes supply and demand,.As long as there are people like us that buy them..... it I'm not paying $50 for a cd ,like alot of you guys do for an Lp.....please 
Anyone know about these speakers and receiver?
Speakers nothing ,Sansui $50  
Can't give up the old (McIntosh)
I don't  blame you .... 
Looking to add a turntable to a hand me down system
Go to Goodwill you never know ,I've seen Pioneer, Sony ,Technics TT cheap....get a new cart and belt if it's not Direct Drive and your good to go....you may need a phono stage .... 
What can I expect to hear from a decent analog FM Tuner?
A good tuner even with just a ribbon antenna will pick up station great .Depending were you live .I'm on Long Island N.Y.  
AR XA Turntable cartridge
Oh I have another one still in the carton with everything.... 
AR XA Turntable cartridge
My first real TT I bought it at Crazy Eddie's on Flatbush Ave Bklyn NY with Shure ME97 cart .it was like $90.i Sold it in a couple months but an add in the Village Voicec.sold it for $90 and bought a Technics SL1350 with Shure V15 cart $379.from a... 
How about the "not so Audiopile" systems we've had?
My Electrophonic System bought it in 1969 it was like $250 my Christmas  bonus...octagon floor speakers,TT ,8 trk.,AM FM .I was 18 it was fantastic, what did I know ,LOL. 
What was in your first "real" higher end audio system?
Phase linear 4000 ,Bose 901s ,Technics SL1350  Shure v15 cart. 
Dual 1219 / Cartridge
I worked back in early 70s for a whole sale electronic dist.we sold Duals ,they were a hot item with Shure ME 97 cart.I dont remember if they can supplied with one. 
Watt War
The 70s ended.....sounds  nutty but that was how it ended. 
Review: McIntosh MC-7100 Amplifier
Beautiful piece of equipment.  
Micro Fiber Cloth for Record Cleaning
Yes I bought ones from Walmart...Work good . 
Changing speaker cloth
Parts Express has a few styles. 
Desperate for Part for Onkyo AV controller