Responses from limomangus
Spade on spade or banana and spade? Whatever works the best,or have room for on the rear of amp,or speaker. | |
Spade vs. banana plug I also hff ave all types,I let my speakers show me what is correct...old vintage amps the connections are really terrible. So that banana plugs ,but some dont .I like to switch equipment around offen.... | |
Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers Well I have over 40 something pairs of speakers .I have all types and I find different types of speakers sound different with different types and source's of an audiophile hoarder... | |
What isolation feet under your amp with great result? Wow the prices I'm hearing here ,come on really... | |
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby? Well years ago I had a fight with my exwife I came home to find my audio system destroyed and thrown out side only about a grand. I have bought used equipment that was no good about 600 and a nice preamp that listed for 6000 new,that I got cheap l... | |
Same watts at 8 and 4 ohms? Nice lesson ,to pass the time ...higher efficient speakers less power.To each his own. | |
Can speakers be my spirit guides??? I used to love my 5.1 was in my man cave basement, I had a couch ,recliner, and curved bar...On Satnight ,I would have a cocktail and relax....I miss it.... | |
Odin, Spirit of the Water Look out gas attack... | |
How do you all manage mild hearing loss? Next time your at a concert wear earplugs... | |
purchasing US made speakers Made in the USA..... | |
Is my Reel to Reel worth anything? Yes nice Reel to Reel worth like 500-600. Yes I see your like me . I to have lots of audio equipment. | |
something is not right here and it's on purpose!!! Maybe they just make them but don't listen to them | |
Need copper speaker cable recommendations $300 ish Watch you tube on making speakers cables ,really not hard.You will love them. | |
Spikes or rubber feet. I have a rug floor on my floor the polk lsim707 came with rubber and metal spikes.i use the rubber. NO problem. | |
Looking to improve my system Yes the equipment you have is very good.Recording and mastering and engineering of alot of rock Is or two or all three of the RME.Yes live recording ,I have been to concerts that were fantastic and other soso,some with really bad engin... |