Responses from liamowen
The two stages of audiophilia Did I hear that one right; facultative?I am being deliberately facultative in my efforts to ameliorate my chronic condition of upgrade-itis. | |
How long do good speakers last? Humidity plays a big role in how well speakers age. We have a dehumidifier for the humid 7 months of the year and that keeps relative humidity to around 45%. Moist enough that the seams don't dry and crack, but dry enough that mold doesn't grow ... | |
Why so many tubes? I live in a cold climate and need the heat that the KT150's provide. 4 per amp and my sound room is comfy from October to May. During summer... well, that's another story. | |
Lay Off the Newbies! Plug my Apheta 2 into my Rega RP10 and listen to records. Has worked for several years now... | |
Manufacturers past their heyday The death of my CJ ET-5 and ART300 Anniversary monoblocks have been greatly exaggerated, that is, unless I am hallucinating. Because, I am listening to them right now, through my Egglestonworks Viginti’s.I understand people asking questions here, ... | |
Appreciation I try not to leave home. | |
If you own quality monitor speakers you want to read this new review When I decide something is my favorite, I am always prepared to discuss why I am right. But, I prefer it if nobody tries to engage and point out anything other than how right I am.... | |
First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k) I would check out a pre-owned Conrad Johnson ET-5. It is essentially 1/2 of a CJ GAT1. It listed for $9,500 when discontinued a couple of years ago and are now available for $3,500 to $4,000.This preamp uses a single 6922 tube, and it's pretty e... | |
Money Well spent A lot of heart here. | |
Tinnitus sufferer: is it the speakers or the 24bits/192kHz My left ear is ringing right now, as I type this. I have had tinnitus in my left ear for several years now, and the best treatment is to accept that it's there. Otherwise, it can be crazymaking.Like the doctor posted earlier in this string-- go ... | |
Phono stage question Millercarbon, I don't know; 2 bits is pretty steep when the usual, customary and ordinary recompense is 2 cents... I'm just sayin.... | |
Should I sell my Oppo 205? That's right; take the money and run by selling it to me. | |
Russian Tube Preamp, No Return, Here I go again Order one from China next time, just to mix it up a little. | |
Substantial Upgrade I had a Rega RP6 with the Exact 2 MM cartridge. I paired it with a Pass Labs XP15. I know you mentioned you will be getting a Hana, which I think will make all the difference in the world, as I found the RP6 with the Exact 2 to be unlistenable--... | |
Curl or Pass He's establishing himself early....Anyway, I have the Pass XP-15 and use it with a tube preamp and amps. They sound great, and the Pass does have a lot of flexibility with mm and mc cartridges. That came in very handy when I switched from mm to ... |