
Discussions lg1 has started

SS or Tube Amp for Sawdust Environment?121478
Monitors for Fatman 13 w/ch Integrated15691
Turntable distance from Mini Monitors...22561
Large Object Between Mini Monitors on Stands...29407
Mini Monitors: Stands Vs Shelf Questions23066
Mini Monitors for Rotel RA-1520 Integrated54244
Magnepan MMGs, Small Room, Unusual Placement?58982
Good Sounding Speaker that Won't Attract Thieves?1951733
Small Speakers for Small Room, Close to Back Wall?1191014
Small 4 Speaker System for Ceiling Corners?22233
No very little Compromise $20K 5CH System?799610
DVD/Turntable Dilemna36515
50 WPCish Integrated/Receiver for Apartment457912
Sibilance Problem on Digitized LPs205246
Sumiko Blackbird66506