
Discussions lg1 has started

Music Hall MMF 5/Stock Goldring VS Rega Planar 617971
Vox (app? Player?)21662
Solid platforms or speaker stands for JBL L65s?37064
Novice Digital (wired) Question(s)17539
Time to look at newer speakers?176415
Massive import of AIFF to iTunes?23781
Smaller House/Equidistant Side Walls Impossible18042
Audio Equipment Recommendation App?9740
Audiophile Speakers with 25 yr + Longevity960822
Apple to Windows...Questions30415
Internet Radio Streams Sputter/Quit...103783
I Haven't Seen These In Years...39925
iMac Speakers: Good Enough For Monitoring?24293
Lower Powered Tube Integrated for Studio/Shop?18711