Responses from lewm
Whest MC REF V - my new christmas present The Whest website is singularly uninformative as to what goes into their products, except to intimate that they use bipolar transistors, "high voltage", "high current", and lots of voltage regulators (20 in the case of the Ref V). Also, they use C... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Halcro, That's an Aussie solution to hum that I never had thought of. It did occur to me to apply the same treatment to my recalcitrant amplifier, but it's too large to be crushed into dust. I never had any hum problem with the Azden, but I just c... | |
Whest MC REF V - my new christmas present Is there any good information available on how the various Whest phono stages differ from one another? It would interest me to know what is inside a $20K phono stage that justifies such pricing. I do think it's fair also to charge for brilliance i... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Thanks for your candor, Weseixas. Timeltel, Yes, the distortion I was hearing back then almost certainly had to do with the incipient problem in my amplifier. It is the R channel amplifier that is now on my operating table since the early summer. ... | |
Schroder sq and the new talea DT, That was exactly the situation in the Dobbins room, where one could listen to his "The Beat" direct-drive turntable with two Reed tonearms mounted. Both were connected to the same Allnic phono stage, etc. Speakers were MBL. The cartridges in u... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Would not characterize the Azden as "soft" or "warm". I really don't feel qualified to comment otherwise. My system has been out of commission for nearly 3 months, but I think, over this past weekend, I finally identified and repaired the problem ... | |
Vinyl presses on last leg? Pressing limitations st If no one buys new issues, THEN the industry that makes them will die. If sales are vigorous, the finances will be allocated to repair existing machines and/or build new ones. I think it's as simple as that. So stop yer bitchin' and git out there ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Timeltel, Are you preferring the Signet over the Acutex, or just taking a break from the latter cartridge? | |
Schroder sq and the new talea Jtinn, So that was you with the iPhone displaying the db level. I was looking at your phone display over your shoulder, but at that distance (standing in the back of the room, you were about 3 rows in front of me) I could not make out the data rea... | |
Schroder sq and the new talea By the way, a fellow named Rabinow invented the Rabco tonearm(s). He lived here in the Washington, DC, area, I think, and was a friend also of Herb Papier, who designed and hand-built the Triplanar. The Rabco tonearm was just a sideline for Mr. Ra... | |
Schroder sq and the new talea I posted about this event elsewhere. As Jtinn suggests, it was not a valid comparison between two tonearms, but it was fun to see and be part of the enthusiasm for these gadgets, which is what they really are. For what it's worth, from where I sto... | |
Schroeder Reference Arm You can find reports on the thread about the RMAF 2010. I was sitting in the back row, or rather, standing. All seats in front of me were occupied, and there were people also standing along both sides of the small-ish room. Speakers were Daedalus.... | |
2010 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet Talea, Not to worry. You make a beautiful and well-engineered product that I would be proud to own. | |
2010 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet Tbg. I could not agree more. The Beat plus Reed plus either the A90 or the Puritas cartridge plus Allnic electronics plus MBL spkrs was one of the nicest systems I heard. I actually preferred the Allnic Puritas over the A90 (slightly). It just see... | |
2010 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet Agree that the Raven/Thoress room was great fun and great sounding. TW is also a very nice unpretentious guy with a great sense of humor. I also enjoyed Steve Dobbins room with the Beat direct-drive turntable and "small" MBL speakers. The Beat cum... |