Responses from lewm
Top 3 high compliant mm/mi cartridges Nagaoka MP50/500 are said to be excellent and are readily available. (MP500 is current production, I think.)Ortofon M20FL Super and M20E Super are still available NOS.Who is to say that some of the current production MM and MI cartridges are not e... | |
Top 3 high compliant mm/mi cartridges All the info above is good. I have personal experience with the top of the line Stantons and Pickerings; they are wonderful when in good condition. I listen to my 981LZS much of the time, in fact. Its output is more akin to that of an LOMC however... | |
A Copernican View of the Turntable System Chris, IMO, as long as the Jr's come to rest at the same exact spot every time, you should be OK with that novel set-up (by my standards). And the high mass helps that to happen. High precision of the manufacture of the Jr's is also imperative. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Raul, I think there is a business called "Comet" in the US that is selling new DLS1 for less than $600. I thought I read that on Vinyl Asylum, where the DLS1 is also getting favorable mention, from Dave G, as well as from many others. | |
Whest P.30R, P.30RDT and P.30RDT SE Anyone know what constitutes the $3500-difference between the 30RDT and the 30RDT-SE? | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Nandric, I really do think it's the other way around: The mind is with LOMC; the heart is with MM or MI. At least it is for me. | |
Whest P.30R, P.30RDT and P.30RDT SE Dear Sirotseta, In the end, and before you open your wallet, you really must listen for yourself. Your personal taste, your ancillary equipment, your speakers, even perhaps your musical preferences, should determine your choice. Not the cheerleadi... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Not really, Nandric. What does a re-tip on any TOTL MC cartridge cost? Answer: way way more than $700. And the cost is well worth it (to Dgob) if the stylus restores his cartridge in all its former glory. But there's the rub; it might not be as good. | |
Best TT for the buck? Orpheus, Please describe to me how buying a new turntable rather than a used one will spare the OP from possible need to adjust azimuth? | |
A Copernican View of the Turntable System Dear Nandric, I have met Thom Mackris a few times, and we exchange emails occasionally. I hold him in very high regard. His turntables are works of art that employ very heavy plinths that do not have a "deck" surface surrounding the platter. I hav... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Hi Rich, There has not been much discussion here about modern day MM and MI cartridges, and it is certain that some of them are very very good. The thread per se is focused on vintage. I have curiosity about the upper end of the SoundSmith MI line... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dgob, Oops. I see that you have touched all bases. Sorry for wasting everyone's time with my last post. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Dgob, Did you try Expert Stylus Repair in England, as regards your Technics repair? The world does not end with SoundSmith, good as they are. It's certainly worth a shot. Also, did not Raul say he had one of his Technics rebuilt by van den Hu... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Banquo, Anything Jean says and does is (1) brilliant, (2) revelatory, and (3) unappreciated by the rest of the audio world. I thought you knew that. Moreover, if it costs a lot (or more than he wants to spend) it must be crap. I do give him c... | |
A Copernican View of the Turntable System Cantaloupe? Where do you ever see canned cantaloupe? I toyed with the idea of stewed tomatoes, peas, corn, etc. Anything that is sloshing around but has some substance. Cantaloupe might work if the water content is high enough. Note that I am taki... |