Responses from lewm
Whest Audio MC REF V MK4. My new toy. How does the 30RDT SE stack up, for MM/MI cartridges? Has anyone tried that combo? | |
It,s Impossible Synergy for less than $20K: Lenco tt with any number of good vintage Japanese tonearms that are available for under $1K + your MM/MI cartridge of choie + good tube phono and linestage + OTL amplifier (many Futterman and some Atma-sphere, Graaf, Jo... | |
Art Audio Vinyl Reference vs Maxxed Out K&K Taylor, et al. I hope you know I was joking in my post above, wherein I suggested that in my brief conversation with him, Kevin regretted that he was stymied in completing the Sonus Veritas by "business". He seemed quite happy with things as they ... | |
Art Audio Vinyl Reference vs Maxxed Out K&K I spoke to Kevin myself recently. Seems that his pesky customers and the business they are bringing is getting in the way of finalizing the Sonus Veritas(?). So, if you guys will just leave Kevin alone, he will eventually market the SV. But I saw ... | |
Whest Audio MC REF V MK4. My new toy. I hate to be a nattering nabob of negativism (thank you, Spiro Agnew), but if something is "staggeringly amazing", how could one expect it to get significantly better with a different power cord? And if it does, what descriptor is above "staggerin... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? You are definitely correct; when the phono or system gain is marginal, any MC is likely to suffer by comparison to any HO cartridge, This is definitely not the case in my system, so something else must account for it. And I say this with true unce... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Frogman, Your comments are quite interesting, because to me, on my system, the one thing about MM/MI cartridges consistently is that they are very dynamic and very rhythmic, the latter because I think I perceive the leading and trailing edges of p... | |
Whest Audio MC REF V MK4. My new toy. I have written this elsewhere, to no avail. I would LOVE to know something about what is inside these boxes. The Whest website is pretty useless in that regard. All I know is that there are a series of chassis' of similar size and shape that have ... | |
Art Audio Vinyl Reference vs Maxxed Out K&K Dear John, Based on another post you recently made elsewhere, I get the impression that there is yet another balanced phono stage designed by Kevin that is either in development or about to be released. Can you tell me/us anything about that one? ... | |
Analogue synergy Although a Koetsu will "work" on a Triplanar and sound good, I get the impression that Koetsu's can sound even better on higher mass tonearms. Koetsu has very low compliance; Triplanar is "medium" mass tonearm. Of course, you can always stick a pe... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Raul,This is why a MM-only phono stage with front panel switches for capacitance and resistance would be invaluable. I have actually been looking at some vintage gear that had such adjustability for MM inputs. The Accuphase C200, C200X, and a... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Never a fan of Litz wire, myself. But wire is a mystery, and to each his own.Timeltel, right now I do not want to change a thing, and I hope this cartridge does not change one bit with break-in. Since I am using the fixed load resistance of 47K in... | |
seeking turntable recommendations Dear Aisip, I am glad you like your Amadeus, but this nonsense about no bearings in the Firebaugh products gets me down a bit. I know it's not your fault or your idea. But, a pivoted tonearm cannot not have a bearing. A platter cannot not spin on ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Raul, I think this is the LPM series, but maybe not. Anyway, it's the one that fits the Saturn V, not the earlier fatter one. I also have a 412, which I don't expect to be as good as the 320. Do you or does anyone know about optimal loading for th... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? To paraphrase my favorite rock 'n' roll performer, the very great Chuck Berry,Roll over UrushiAnd tell Colibri the news:Acutex rules!!!! Piano, sax, and trumpet are to die for. But now I really hear a piano, most of all.This morning I replaced the... |