
Responses from lewm

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Nandric, I don't know about the totality of your report of what Mr Lukashek says, but yes, as far as I know the number of turns of wire in the coil is the major determinant of cartridge inductance.Dear Travis, You got it..."Haniwa" was the gu... 
What defines a good tonearm
Dear Hiho, I was looking for your dog. Thanks. But be careful using the word "syntax", or you will conjure up Syntax himself, that man of mystery. 
What defines a good tonearm
But it is the stylus tip that follows the groove, not the tonearm. If the pivot is not fixed, then energy transmitted to the stylus tip by the undulations of the groove wall, which is "music", can be lost via "wiggling". Ideally, the arm wand shou... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I have often seen the statement that LOMCs make current rather than voltage. Since I lack formal training in electronics (beyond college physics), I am always cautious about my own thoughts on these subjects, but it seems to me that this is market... 
What defines a good tonearm
Dear Mike,You wrote, "anything not a unipivot will always be fighting itself to travel the groove correctly". I don't get that. Can you elaborate? IMO, the "issues" facing unipivot design are precisely those related to the possibility that the bea... 
What defines a good tonearm
Dear Manitunc, To respond to the closest thing to an answerable question that you have posed, with a unipivot there are issues related to not only adjusting azimuth but also maintaining a constant azimuth across the surface of an LP. The Graham an... 
Reed tonearm w/ Raven One table-how's the match ?
Dear Opus88, I guess I meant it either way. If you own the tonearm, then pick your cartridge to match it. If you own the cartridge and are shopping for a tonearm, it's vice-versa. The important point is that assuming the tonearm can be mounted on ... 
Reed tonearm w/ Raven One table-how's the match ?
I am surprised that no one else seems to have focused on this, but there seems to be a consensus (elsewhere) that you pick your tonearm to match your cartridge, not your turntable. If the turntable is doing its own job well, then it will collabora... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,Depends on how you define "LO", does it not? LO for an MM could be anywhere from around 1.0 mV at 5cm/sec down to 0.15 mV. That's a ~10-fold range. So if we have a reasonable output of say 0.6mV, that's only about a 7 to 8 fold different... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dlaloum, Could you be channeling the Golem from Lord of the Rings? My kids and I loved that character as he was depicted in the movie. "And what does it have in its pocketses, my precious? A Sussuro?" 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Thuchan, Lest anyone else pick up on what you wrote, I did make a point of saying that I was NOT making a "judgement" of the MC A90 as compared to the Sussuro. To further quote myself, "the [listening] conditions did not permit that". Believe... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Fleib, I heard the Sussuro in several systems at RMAF last October. It sounded consistently excellent, and IMO sounded less "mechanical" than some very expensive MC cartridges, including in one case the Ortofon MC A90, but this is far from a ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Not to beat a dead horse, but I think Dertonearm posited that the difference in observed capacity to pass a square wave was due to differences in moving mass, and in so positing, DT stated that MC cartridges have lowest moving mass. I only respond... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dertonearm, Nice to know you might have been an admirer of my Grado TLZ. It was my one and only cartridge during the mid to late 80s. Over the years, I kept it in storage while I was preoccupied with a variety of high output MCs and finally low ou... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I don't pretend to have a lot of technical expertise about how cartridges work, except on a basic level. But here is a quote from M Fremer, from his review of a SoundSmith cartridge:"Moving-iron designs such as the SMMC1, or the Grados, use statio...