Responses from lewm
What's a 30-year old Grace F9-E Ruby worth? I don't get it. Is the OP selling his Grace Ruby or trying to establish its value for posterity, or what? If it's in good shape, $250 is a steal, and I would buy it if I had not just paid twice as much for one. | |
Cart recommendations for Fidelity Research FR-64S Dear Mauidj et al,FWIW, The Soundsmith cartridges, other than the strain gauge ones, are moving iron (MI) types, not MM. Peter Ledermann would not want that to go unsaid, as he is a proponent of MI as well as of the strain gauge. | |
Turntable speed accuracy Dear Nikola, Without saying unkind words about his products that have been sold in the US, I just cannot put Lurne' in the pantheon of great tt designers. Perhaps he marketed some tt's exclusively in Europe that were exceptional. For the past 20 y... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Considering that a 12-inch woofer bears some resemblance to a target complete with bullseye at the center, I think building drivers out of kevlar is quite relevant. If forced to listen to certain sopranos or American hip hop or (heaven forbid) blu... | |
Turntable speed accuracy Dear Dover, The statement you "struggle" with is really most applicable to belt-drive turntables, where the two paradigms are most obvious. Compare the Walker Proscenium or any Nottingham (weak motor/big platter school) to an SME or an Avid turnta... | |
Turntable speed accuracy Hiho, There is much ignorance among us as to how the servo system of this or that direct-drive turntable actually works. From my casual observation, they are not all the same, by any means. But from a Newtonian point of view, max torque is only ev... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Raul may have a point, vis a vis carbon fiber tonearms. I have not heard any of the old timers. But I have heard the Well Tempered Reference tonearm, which I believe to be made of carbon fiber...... very very very dead. But also over damped with a... | |
TriPlanar Tips 1kitch, We are neighbors; I live in Bethesda, on the West side near the river. I take your point that sometimes isolating screws with plumber's tape might be beneficial, sometimes not. I am in awe of you if you can handle the tiny pieces of p.t. n... | |
What's a 30-year old Grace F9-E Ruby worth? Thanks, Al. You made me feel better about my moment of weakness. It's arrived here and does appear to be in condition as advertised, at least by gross inspection. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Nikola, It is my subjective opinion, yes, that carbon fiber does not make "music". This is based on listening to carbon fiber tonearms, platters and platter mats, loudspeakers, etc, over my audio lifetime. Possibly also including cartridge bo... | |
Turntable speed accuracy Dear Swampy, Halcro may be trying to tell you that we have covered the territory of your query, and "we" tend to agree with you, I think. I certainly do. | |
What's a 30-year old Grace F9-E Ruby worth? OK. I confess. After a year of cartridge-buying abstinence, I just bought a Grace Ruby for $500. I don't know whether I overpaid or not. But, in mint condition in the original box, they don't exactly grow on trees, as my mom used to say. Once you ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Any and all audio gear made of carbon fiber that I have ever heard sounds... dead, dead, dead, IMO. Resonance is in music. All instruments resonate. The human voice resonates. Killing all resonance is not a good thing, IME. We just need to make it... | |
Turntable speed accuracy I vote a moratorium on these endless circular arguments over the merits and demerits of this or that drive mechanism. Lets just see how various ones of them work according to Timeline. But in general, a good direct-drive motor WiLL have more torqu... | |
Sirius and Walker Dear Unoear, I have no dog in this fight, but do I correctly understand the following?(1) You went to Mike's home and listened to the Sirius prior to purchase.(2) You evidently liked what you heard, because you then bought it from Mike.(3) You wer... |