Responses from lewm
Which tonearms just sit over the plinth surface? RS-A1 is not for the faint of heart. But once you learn its eccentricities, I don't or I no longer think of it as dangerous to cartridges. I've never damaged a cartridge in the RS-A1 (knock wood). The DV505 is of course an ordinary tonearm which y... | |
Which tonearms just sit over the plinth surface? I have an RS Labs RS-A1. It's great for moving a tonearm and cartridge rapidly from one tt to another. The only other well established tonearm with which you can do this, that I know of, is the Dynavector DV505. Its base is a fairly substantial re... | |
Is a tube phono better than ss? I agree with Mechans and Salectric. Moreover, this tubes v transistors argument is a never ending bore, because a good design can ameliorate the issues that separate the two types. And that's your answer: identify a phono stage that you like, firs... | |
Keep Lenco or get Thorens or Rega? Neither of those other two turntables has the potential of your Lenco. Keep it. You will be sorry, otherwise. Like Dave said, get rid of the stock tonearm, and that's half the battle. Here is a link to what might be a good candidate to replace the... | |
Turnable database with TimeLine Don, You (sadly) wrote:"I am not a fan of servo controlled speed. The speed is wrong a lot of the time! A properly designed turntable should run at a constant speed! If there is stylus drag (that audibly effects sonics) , then increase the speed s... | |
Turnable database with TimeLine Tony and Brf, I hate to be wrong, but I see your point(s). I saw Brf's point in my own mind, shortly after my last post. Most servo-controlled DD turntables have some sort of platter speed sensor, optical or otherwise. One could probably tap into ... | |
Turnable database with TimeLine Tony, According to others, the laser flashes 6 times per revolution. That means you can get a read-out every 0.3 seconds. So you are indeed "averaging" the speed, but it is over a very small increment of time. Your talk of a "tachometer" is specio... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? I don't recall that anyone ever mentioned the 4000D/I, but why not look it up in Vinyl Engine or on an Empire website to determine how it may differ from D/III? Often the early versions of the better cartridges are also very good. On the D/III, th... | |
Turnable database with TimeLine But Syntax, is the Kuzma constantly too fast by a fixed amount while playing LPs, that is, regardless of stylus drag? If so, that is a fault remediable by an appropriate motor controller and not a black mark against the Kuzma.Tony, I just cannot a... | |
Phono stage good for classical and jazz? If you can find one in good shape, I can highly recommend a vintage Quicksilver full-function preamplifier. The phono stage has sufficient gain only for high output cartridges (2 to 5mV), but the performance is top drawer. They can be found for $9... | |
Allnic family I actually communicated with Mr Park directly regarding a Silvaweld phono stage. Before there was Allnic, Mr Park was the brains behind Silvaweld, where he designed and produced many excellent products in the late 90s/early 2000s. Despite the fact... | |
Turnable database with TimeLine I would argue with Tony on different grounds. I think you CAN know if drift is due to "speed being something other than 33.33 exactly or if it is changing during play." At least you can know it to the accuracy of the frequency of the laser flashes... | |
Turnable database with TimeLine Not to beat a dead horse, but if one were to measure precisely the left or right movement of the laser spot over time with no stylus drag and then do the same thing in the presence of stylus drag, one could in fact establish that the tt is capable... | |
Denon dl103 low volume from sa3000 Skipper,The circuitry in your phono stage is running at whatever voltage and current levels it can be excited to run at, based on the input it is receiving from the cartridge. The phono stage does not "know" or care where you set your volume contr... | |
Turnable database with TimeLine Dover, My apologies. I probably sounded more indignant than I actually am or was. Perhaps lifting the paragraphs word for word (I knew they sounded familiar) with no attribution is not.... something. But this is the internet, all junk food all the... |