Responses from lewm
Mono Reissues and the Conical Stylus Also for conical stylus on early mono LP wear is not the same as for stereo LP. | |
Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege? A highly tweaked Lenco, including plinth, will surprise you, Mijo. That's why there is a whole website devoted to the L75/L78 and other Lenco turntables ("Lenco Heaven") and why there are several satellite businesses that have successfully grown ... | |
Hana SL vs AT Art 9 Transformers do not have an "impedance" per se. They reflect the impedance of the device connected to the opposite side, depending upon the turns ratio. You're correct that an SUT with a voltage gain of 13 (i.e., a 1:13 turns ratio) would give a... | |
Hana SL vs AT Art 9 Why is the recommendation of >400 ohms for load resistance "weird"?If you use a 1:10 Step-up into the typical 47K ohm load resistor of an MM phono stage, you end up with the cartridge seeing 470 ohms. Just right for the SL. | |
phono pre-amp being replaced Look, if you just WANT to get a new phono stage, by all means do so. Don't let me rain on your parade. But for sure I do not see the need for a SUT here. You used the word "think", as in "I would think that with records especially you are furthe... | |
phono pre-amp being replaced Apart from all else, why do you think you need to load down the Kleos to 50 ohms? The Kleos is said to have an internal resistance of 5.4 ohms, so technically, it could drive a 50 ohm load, but 100 ohms is fine. Higher than 100 ohms might even b... | |
Upgrade from Sumiko Blue Point #2 For one thing, only a few companies in the world produce all the styli and cantilevers used anywhere, and none of those is in Germany, so far as I know. But I was thinking of a specific instance where one Clearaudio model is a re-labeled Japanese... | |
Need to adjust the speed every time I turn on turntable Just wanted to point out that many of the posts seem to confuse long term speed stability with instantaneous speed stability. A turntable may measure out perfectly for speed over longer time intervals yet still create momentary episodes of pitch ... | |
Mono Reissues and the Conical Stylus Goofyfoot, Ortofon’s description of the Cadenza mono as quoted by you suggests to me that it is a bridged stereo cartridge, based on the Red. Not that there is anything wrong with that. What I don’t like is their ambiguous language. | |
phono pre-amp being replaced 57.5 dB of gain will give you a signal voltage of about .38V from the Kleos. Do you use an active linestage? A linestage with even 10db of additional gain would do the trick if the input sensitivity of your amplifier is typical. So you don’t need ... | |
Sony PUA 7 to re-wire or not +1 on Audio Note silver Litz wire, if that’s what Frogman meant. But I would not pay a small fortune for it. Audio note tends to be over pricey. | |
Upgrade from Sumiko Blue Point #2 But I almost guarantee that the Clearaudio is made in Japan. | |
Sony PUA 7 to re-wire or not Good tonearm for the TTS8000. I'd say go for it. | |
Upgrade from Sumiko Blue Point #2 In my opinion, any of those mentioned so far will outperform your Sumiko BPS. It might help if you explicitly state your budget for this purchase, but it's not rocket science in any case. | |
Mono Reissues and the Conical Stylus Level II is upgrade of F8. |