
Responses from lewm

Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn the cost of a Klimax LP12 plus and minus the new plinth.  I suppose it is reluctantly acceptable to a person who already owns and loves the LP12.  I admit that I have a bias in the opposite direction; I p... 
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
So it IS Panzerholz-like or it IS Baltic Birch.  One or the other.  What is the base price of the latest version, Klimax?  I am guessing  in the $20K range.  If you own one already and now want the plinth upgrade for $9K or $11K, that's a lot of m... 
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade
If it really is Baltic Birch, then it is horrifically overpriced.  I heretofore thought the plinth of the 50th Anniversary LP12 was made from a densified wood, like Panzerholz, which is expensive to buy and very difficult to machine, somewhat just... 
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought
Or do just the opposite of ghd’s advice.  
Linn LP12 turntable
GHD, Linn make tube gear too? Who knew? I’ve owned a Leica M3 all my life, it seems. I doubt Linn has a corner on every phase of the reproduction chain. Good, probably.   
3k budget for Turntable and Phono Noob- do I need external power supplies?
All modern phono cartridges can run in balanced mode. The TT has nothing to do with it. Any tonearm with 4 leads out can be wired to an XLR.   
Removable headshells
A difference of 1 or 2g can be ignored. Yamamoto makes excellent headshells. Go for it.  
Phono Cartridge IMD Measurements, Observations and a Question
Thanks for providing more detail. As I guessed, your test CD does encode a control for IMD. Also, I did already understand that you’re seeing different levels of IMD from one cartridge vs the other. That could be real or due to mounting the two ca... 
Removable headshells
A heavy headshell ("too much weight") can be your friend if you want to use a low compliance cartridge and need to increase tonearm effective mass.  One very good one that I use with a Koetsu Urushi is the Ortofon LH9000, which weighs 18g, as comp... 
3k budget for Turntable and Phono Noob- do I need external power supplies?
Or no aftermarket PS at the outset and have all $500 to buy LPs.   
Linn LP12 turntable
If I were a lawyer or a judge, I would have to side with mylogic.  His statement, accurately quoted by cleeds, does not stipulate that if you own a Linn 12 you ought not to comment on a Linn LP12.  He is trying to say that whether you own a Linn L... 
Phono Cartridge IMD Measurements, Observations and a Question
Just reading your exchange with Atmasphere, it seems that the readings are repeated under all circumstances and also regardless of VTA and that the L and R channels read the same or possibly identically. Doesn’t this suggest that the measurements ... 
3k budget for Turntable and Phono Noob- do I need external power supplies?
You are putting the cart before the horse. First buy the best TT you can afford. Then listen for a while before you even think of  an aftermarket PS.   
I'm new to Step Up Transformers
Only 30 years?  
Warm sounding phono cartridge
I have to disagree slightly with chipcalzone. Proper setup is very important but because of that anyone serious enough about this hobby to come here for advice ought to take the time to learn how to do it himself (or herself). Decent tools are a n...