Responses from lewm
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? If the bi-directional servo patents momentarily stumped JP, don't feel bad.Best-groove, I know the DA307 has its defenders, and I can tell you that the rubber gasket separating the front end of the arm wand from the pivot point is still intact on ... | |
Vinyl and Lyngdorf TDAI-3400? I'll bite. What is a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400, and why is it different? | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? A comment on the "bi-directional servo": The TT101 (and the TT81, if Halcro says so) certainly have exceptional speed control, but when JP Jones eventually fixed my TT101 and got it working, his comments on the "bi-directional"-ness of the servo ... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Thanks, Halcro, for chiming in with your opinion on the TT81 vs TT101. I really like my TT101, but I have no way to know how the two compare.Uber, After deciding at one point to sell the DP80, because I wasn't using it (and because who needs 5 tur... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? best-groove, So mainly you object to the cost of the PBN version of the DP80 and to the probability that when you go to sell it, you won't make a profit or get your original investment back, which is also true of almost any new audio product. Tha... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? best-groove, Don't you think the "engine and electronics" ARE the DNA of any turntable, including the DP80? IMO, the major deficiency of the original product was exactly its plinth (and tonearm, but that's a different argument). By re-doing the ... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Uber, Difference between TT71 and TT81 is probably an audible shade. Difference between TT81 and TT101 is probably a more audible shade. You might ask Halcro, who has had a TT81 side by side in his home system with a TT101. But I doubt there is... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? I don’t know where Raul got the information that the "specs" for the DP60L are better than those for the DP80. Perhaps he is even correct, but the DP80 was regarded by Denon as the top of their commercial line, bested only by the DP100 and DP308, ... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Bestgroove, Here you go:http://fidelisanalog.com/product/mn6042/ | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Best-groove, "MN6042" is the part number of the vital chip used in the Mk2, the MK3, and one or more of the SL series. I do not know whether it is used in the old SL1200. SL1500 comes to mind, but I have not looked it up. In any case, before Fi... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? "Servo" and "brushless" are not mutually exclusive; one has nothing to do with the other. But beyond that, I cannot answer your question.Sleepwalker, You have often mentioned the SL1700. Are you referring to the vintage version? Last time I was... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? best-groove, I beg to differ with your claim that the SP10 Mk2 does not rely upon a now discontinued chip. It does, in fact. Up until a year or two ago, that chip was unobtainable. (I think the part number is MN6042, but right or wrong as to par... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? I paid $600 for my DP80 with plinth and DA307 tonearm, but of course that was about 8-10 years ago, and the DP80 was "broken". Turned out to be an easy fix. Anyway, even at $1500 a proper DP80 will compete with any belt-drive at least up to $5K.... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Denon DP80 | |
Has anyone upgraded from an AudioTechnica ART9? Also, some of the oddball power transistors that NP in his FW business likes to play with are unusual compared to typical power transistors in that they act more like voltage gain devices than like current gain devices. Thus not so good at drivin... |