Responses from lewm
A Record Collection/Moral Conundrum - What Would You Do? I’m amazed you’ve held on to the LPs this long. You’re a good guy. Now sell them. | |
A/C power line polarity on new phono preamp Try both switch positions and choose for yourself. If it’s switching AC polarity, you don’t need no stinkin cheater plug. Phase switch for audio signal is usually on the front panel not out back near IEC. Anyway, is there no owners manual? | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl As others already pointed out, the physically visible woofer pumping is typically seen when the woofer is mounted in a ported or vented cabinet that does not backload the woofer at extreme low frequencies. You’d never see it with acoustic suspensi... | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl Well if the OP's tt is not broken, and if moving the tt in his listening room or improving tt isolation do not have any effect, up or down, and if his LPs are not warped, then he does need a subsonic filter, preferably a good one. | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl I think dynamic and crusty have very good ideas about what might be going on. I was an early fan of transmission line woofers. Specifically I bought Irving M Fried (IMF) speakers in the early 1970s, because I thought they had unusually natural low... | |
Triplanar Users VTA 3 for 3: it’s the cartridge, baby. | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl That’s why there’s been some mention of the KAB rumble filter which is a well made add-on. | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl Chak, If the 1200GR is without construction or operational flaws, I quite agree with you. If it has a construction defect, like an off-balance platter or bad bearings or something rubbing on something, then it is better to identify that problem t... | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl That's very interesting. You mentioned you are using a 1200GR turntable. Do you own or can you borrow a different TT, just to see if the problem is the same with a different source TT? I am wondering whether there is some sort of defect in your... | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl I generally prefer to go from the simple to the complex, in trying to solve any problem. Simple is to either move your turntable in your listening room or suspend it, or both. Complex is to add a subsonic filter. If you add a subsonic filter, t... | |
Manley Chinook Owners Tube Rolling The Steelhead, and possibly the Chinook, uses a 30 µF metallized film capacitor for output coupling between the phono section and the line section. Then there is a second 30 µF metallized film capacitor between the line stage section and the outpu... | |
Observation: Passion vs Obsession Passion: Crazy things I do to make my system sound “better”.Obsession: Crazy Things other people do to make their systems “better”, in their opinion. | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl Before purchasing a rumble filter, I would first see whether changing the location of your turntable in relation to the speakers has any effect on the phenomenon you are observing. Also, the addition of some isolation to the turntable base might h... | |
Phono Hum Question You may think you painted a clear picture of your ground scheme, but I’m a bit confused. The only thing I do understand is that the source of AC makes a key difference. I would start with that observation and work backwards. | |
I'm a Dummy, Tell Me About Turntable Mats I think Ralph would opt for replacing the stock G series tonearm (are they all the same tonearm, regardless of cost?) with a Triplanar, if he had his druthers.what this discussion suggests is that most don’t like heavy floppy rubber mats, most pre... |