
Responses from lewm

A Discussion About What Level Of Analog To Stop At
The importance and in fact the audibility of Doppler distortions in loudspeakers is a hotly debated topic, not a certain problem. And definitely no big deal unless the music contains low bass notes mixed w treble and nothing in between. Moreover i... 
Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question
Correction: Kristen did list the GZ34 (5AR4). My error.  
Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question
Maybe because changing from a 5R4 or the like to a 5AR4 will increase the DCV delivered to the tubes by 50V. That’s a big difference. It’s interesting to me that Kristen at Modwright did not list the 5AR4 as an option (see above). Whereas Dan men... 
pickering cartriidge xv 15 any good.
Advice: choose 250 or 300pF and decide which you like best. Then forget about it. Odds are you won’t hear much difference.   
A Discussion About What Level Of Analog To Stop At
With h the Trinnov and other high end digital preamplifiers, isn’t there a AD conversion as the very first step in any way you use the device? Not just “at some point”? Also, if 53 Hz is the bottom end for the CLX, wouldn’t you want to cross it ov... 
A Discussion About What Level Of Analog To Stop At
As to your actual question, I use Sound Lab 845PXs sans subwoofers in a room that is about 15 X 23 X 9.  So a bit larger than yours but not by much.  Like your room, my Sound Lab room gives way via a double size doorway into our large dining room ... 
A Discussion About What Level Of Analog To Stop At
Am I correct in guessing you use the T2000 with the MC2000 into the MM inputs of the E03? Otherwise I wonder . I run my MC2000 into my MCCI with its internal gain set at +11db, then into my 3160 which adds linestage gain. I’m thinking it might be ... 
Upgrade my older Linn Sondek or move on?
Do you mean to say you need the higher output of an MM ( not an MC)? In any case the Nagaoka is a moving iron. I’d move up to MP500. And why was your Rega wearing pants?  
Integrityhifi TRU-GLIDER Pendulum Tonearm
So doctor V, you know people who only read stone tablets in ancient Greek or other ancient languages?  Internet says the Greeks first intuited that the earth is round about 500 years BC.  In the 1600s, Galileo added to the pile of evidence with hi... 
Rockford Fosgate Signature Phono Pre needs repair
Fosgate is defunct?  What about all those Fozgometers?  
2019 300B tubes that are worth the money?
This here is the Analog Forum.  
Vinyl Lovers
What data support the idea that zerostat can “only handle so much static charge”? And how much is that?  
Vinyl Lovers
If you're correct, then it must emit positive ions when the retracted trigger is slowly released, because that is the step that neutralizes charge on an LP surface.   
Thoughts On Turntable Clamps And Weights
And a mechanism for damping the oscillation at the resonant frequency.  Otherwise, the TT will constantly bounce at its resonant frequency, once excited.  How does a car do without shock absorbers?  This has been an issue with spring loaded TTs si... 
Vinyl Lovers
Ketchup, you may be correct about zerostat emitting both pos and negative ions, which is a subject I didn’t address, but what counts is neutralizing the negative charge on the vinyl surface. Which was my only point.