
Responses from lennychen

Recommend upgrade for NAD C541
I was reading What Hi-Fi? the other day, and saw that they recommended this Rotel combination with the B&W DM602S3s. Has anybody tried this combination?Also, in listening to my system in the last couple of weeks, I've also been somewhat disapp... 
Recommend upgrade for NAD C541
Thanks for the advice so far...First of all, the power cords are fixed on the C541 and the C370.Second...I am open to a amp upgrade, if that is certainly the weakest link. Actually, I am open to upgrading any component (CDP, Amp, Speakers).But in ... 
Best speakers for amp
Ohlala, after a couple of days of sitting on it, this is my conclusion as well.I am not even sure about moving to the CDM1NTs, which would cost me at least $700 to upgrade to. I have done some research and reading, and found that I will definitely... 
Best speakers for amp
Okay, so yesterday I actually went to audition the 602S3, CDM1NT, and N805, with my own music (which varies from Classical to Opera to Jazz to Blues to Pop to Rock to R&B to Funk to Dance - pretty much everything). The salesman hooked it up to... 
Best speakers for amp
I just upgraded to QED Silver Anniversary Bi-wire and VDH D102 III HB interconnects.The difference is quite subtle, but is definitely there. I did a slow transition to both, and the D102 III HB definitely improved the high-frequency clarity and a ... 
Beginner in Vinyl - How far should I go?
I have a NAD & B&W system, consisting of the C370 integrated, C541 CDP, C420 tuner, and B&W DM601S2 speakers.This probably decent enough, eh?So going into the slightly more expensive route...any recommendations on turntables, cartridge... 
After leaving my system on for 3 days...
Thanks for that...I thought that theory might hold.So I removed the extra Vibrapods...sounds a little more "realistic". 
After leaving my system on for 3 days...
Thanks for all of the comments and suggestions guys.What I'm planning to do now is to stick with the current setup I have and change variables one by one. You guys are certainly right, there is definitely a lot of power interference in the dorm. B... 
After leaving my system on for 3 days...
I moved the tuner off the CD player and it seems to have reduced the harshness. Now I'm experimenting with speaker and room placement, but it's very difficult in my small dorm room. It'll all be better once I graduate and move into my apartment. :... 
Best speakers for amp
I forgot to mention one thing...I would like to bi-amp as well (probably using the C270). In this case, would a more expensive speaker like the CDM1NTs be worth it?Thank you again for all your help. 
Best speakers for amp
Thanks for your help Sugarbrie,Actually, the reason why I'm looking for new speakers is because I will also move into Home Theatre as a secondary thing, using my 601s as rears. I'm thinking of combining my B&Ws with a Marantz A/V receiver, but... 
Best speakers for amp
Right now I'm using IXOS 1114 RCA interconnects and Monster XPHP speaker cable.Any recommendations on interconnect or speaker cable upgrades? I've considered van den Hul's D102 III Hybrid and QED Silver Anniversary.Also, what amp and CD would you ... 
What's your profession? Age?
21, College student, and my system is about $1.8k retail, $1.4k purchased new on deals...It is scary how much you guys spend on systems!!! :)