
Responses from lenny_zwik

Whats a good 7.1 processsor for under 5K new
B&K 507 Series 2 for around $3500. 
Are LAMM 1.2 ref amplifiers synergistic with WP7
I don't know specifically about the LAMMs, but I have WP7s powered by a ML335. Although they are very efficient, they need lots of current as they go below 4 ohms in the bass. Clearly the LAMMs are excellent amps, just make sure they can deliver t... 
Which iPod?
Sheesh, sorry to confuse you, it's a standard 20 gig. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
What a brave and generous soul. I've been following this thread for months without knowing quite what to say. May you rest in peace Patrick knowing that you've made the lives of those you left behind richer for having known you in whatever small w... 
Which iPod?
I too was going to purchase a Nano, but they were selling 15GB iPods at the same price and since the iPod is still small.....I paired up mine with a Headroom Micro Amp and Ultimate Ears UE10Pros. It's awesome. 
Best headphones you've ever heard/used
Hi Henryhk,A recent (within 6mos) issue of Stereophile reviewed the 5c(s) with a promise of a future review of the 10 pro. I had a rather lengthy discussion with Michael at UE about my listening tastes, expectations, etc. and he convinced me (OK, ... 
Best headphones you've ever heard/used
Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro. 
Watt/Puppy 7 or Sophia?
I've had the opportunity to hear both in my house with my system (I have an awesome dealer). The WP7s are worth every penny of the difference. Greater dynamic range, lower, better defined bass, all the other aspects of the sound; soundstage, depth... 
Review: Thiel Audio CS-3.5 Speaker
As a former Thiel owner (8 yrs) I agree with the review. However, please note that the xover is first order which means that the slope from woofer to midrange is only 6db per octave. That means the midrange is called upon to reproduce significant ... 
Are the Revel Salons powered successfully by ...?
I have WATT/PUPPY 7s powered by a 335. Granted the WPs are more efficient by about 3db, but they too drop into the 2-3 ohm range in the bass and do present a somewhat difficult load. Not only does the 335 NOT sound "dead", but I've never heard it ... 
My mobile system is an iPod Nano, Headroom Micro, and Ultimate Ears UE10 Pros. It's addictive. 
Sonus Faber Concerto & Concertino
I have a 7.1 system composed of Concerto mains and center and Concertinos (Walls, the wall mounted version of the Concertino) with a REL Stadium III sub. powered by a B&K 507. My basis for comparison is a 2 channel Mark Levinson, WATT/Puppy 7 ... 
Ayre C-5xe vs. Levinson 390S
I don't have a basis for comparison, but I wouldn't trade my 390S for anything short of a dCS P8i or the stack. 
Help - Mark Levinson Owners
I use Shunyata Anaconda VXs on my 390S and AXs on my 380S and 335. The 335 has an AX from the wall to a Hydra 2 and another from the Hydra to the amp. All sourced from 3 dedicated 20 amp circuits. Overkill perhaps, but it sounds sweet. 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Paradise by the Dashboard Light: ALL of it. What male hasn't experienced that in real life?