
Responses from lenny_zwik

Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Jaybo is right, the latest is the greatest and also includes Silver Springs, the song, when left off the original release, prompted Stevie Nicks to leave the band. 
best cd player redardless of price
You don't need $28K, the dCS P8i for $14K is incredible and you also get superb SACD capability. 
ML390S directly into JC-1's
I had a 390S, 380S connected to a 335 and have tried it both ways. I prefer going through the preamp. It sounds less brittle and analytical. 
Smoking Buds
In a word, YES!!! I use Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pros. 
Has anyone owned ML 390s and ARC CD3-Mk2 ???
I've owned a 390S for 3 years and loved it, both musically and for its usability. It's only with the advent of the dCS P8i and my purchase of it, a much better, but MUCH MORE expensive machine, that I've decided to sell my 390S. Please check out m... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
Glen Rothes 20 y/o. 
Going over to the Dark Side?
I use lossless exclusively, but then again i listen using Ultimate Ears UE10 Pros and with those theres' a huge difference. 
Window Treatments to Remove reflected sound
A previous room had three large windows that were covered with "cellular blinds" and then the windows had heavy fabric over treatments. This proved to be very effective. You could even discern differences that resulted from opening the blinds diff... 
ASC traps vs. REALTRAPS ????????
Check out my system. I use both 20" and 16" stacked Super and Tube Traps along with a PARC. Yes, they're expensive, unfortunately, but if you can afford, the combination will tame almost any situation. 
The details are below; the bottom line is that in a class A amp, the output stage is on and passing current for both halves of the signal (+ and -). Consequently, during the time there is no signal, the devices dissipate power as heat. Class AB am... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Hi all, the PARC was the missing link and worked wonders in my room after installing ASC SuperTraps, etc.. 
Beautiful Equipment Stands?
Grand Prix Audio www.grandprixaudio.com 
terrible bass response / unevenness problem.
The dimensions of a room will cause low frequency modes (areas of reinforcement) and nodes (areas of cancellation). This is true of each dimension. The fact that two of your room dimensions are so close compounds the problem becuase you have these... 
Linn CD-12 or Ikemi: Your opinions
You don't need to go all the way to a $20K CD-12. I traded in my Ikemi on a Levinson 390S at $8K and it was a HUGE improvement. If you want to take an even bigger step up, but not all the way to a CD-12, the new dCS P8i is amazing and it is also a... 
Joni Mitchell Blue - Wow help me Agoners
Can't help you with "Blue", but you should get Shadows and Light, a two HDCD live recording of a 1979 date issued in 1999. The band is killer: Don Alias (drums), Pat Metheny (guitar), Jaco Pastorius (bass), The Percussions (vocals) and I forget wh...