

Responses from lastperfectdaymusic

(Brutally) Honest Audio Reviews
Impressive, love reading reviews even though I cant afford most of it! 
My expert tips on building a sensible world class audio system.
I enjoyed that, please relate your experiences with your custom built Techdas hyperspeed force 10 in the shade. About time we had a bit of humour to flavour our snake oil with!By the way - which cable should I buy? 
Origin live Cartridge Enabler - a review
Hi, thanks to all for getting involved. I`m not sure that I have an answer for the arm mass increase issue that lewm was recommending, I mean where do you get these from?I had the opportunity of another listen last night. Side 1 of `Crime of the c... 
Origin live Cartridge Enabler - a review
Thank you for the enlightenment, analogue is certainly a complex interest. I really have to go by what my ears tell me, and I will certainly listen to more LP`s that I am familiar with tonight to get more ideas on how the Enabler performs. But up ... 
Origin live Cartridge Enabler - a review
Hi millercarbon . well I had a look at the  Synergistic Research PHT. That`s crazy! Never heard of it. I wonder what it is, but its a lot more expensive than the OL Enhancer. To be honest if these enhancements are so good, why dont the turntab... 
Paper cone woofers died in 1962 .... a look back
bdp24  noted your comment on the KEF B139, I finally bought commercial speakers, (Monitor Audios) and decommissioned my homemade KEF speakers. Have to say the B110 (dextrene?) I think still sound fantastic. I`m making small subwoofer boxes for t... 
Spade vs bare wire
I gave up with connectors, they corrode, get loose etc. So I solder the wires straight through. You can remove the plastic cover on the back of speakers thus minimizing damage. 
Bi amp pros out there I could use some help! First time Bi Amping...
I will leave a report on the differences I find between single and biamp on  this discussion in a couple of weeks. I have many years listening experience, so it should be relevant. So if you would like to know, then click the `Follow this discussi... 
Bi amp pros out there I could use some help! First time Bi Amping...
Hi, Im about to take delivery of a set of floorstander speakers that do have a separated passive crossover with a pair of speaker connecting posts for the mid/treble, and for bass as do many modern speakers. Fortunately I have four mono Musical Fi... 
Channel frequency range not balanced
True, following my previous attempts to locate the problem I firstly suspected the speaker then later ruled that solution out, although that was months ago. At that stage one of my tweeters had blown so I had disconnected the other. On the adve... 
Channel frequency range not balanced
Hi, well if anyone who kindly answered is still following, I performed another full channel swop from top to bottom, except that this time I swopped the cartridge channels as suggested here.Without doubt it is my left speaker that is at fault. How... 
Channel frequency range not balanced
Thanks very much,yes I will swap the cartridge leads,if this points to the cartridge i will use fine shims to hear if azimuth adjustment is the solution. 
Some Thoughts on Axpona 2019--from an Axpona Newbie
Thanks for your post, nice to hear impressions from another person as a visitor. Must have been an amazing experience. Many of us must wonder whether the ultra expensive gear is that much better than affordable as such - not always!  
Black Cat Cable's/Coppertone wires are amazing good!
Hi, happens to the speaker cables and interconnects when they are replaced? Are they put back on the market somewhere as seconds? Thanks. 
Looking for a little help for speakers I may purchase
Hi, they look great and for that sort of price I would be disappointed if they hadent blown you away. There are so many alternatives for almost every price range that  research becomes vital - however there really aren`t any serious duds on the ma...