Responses from larryken
Starting a high-end audio shop... Am I crazy? Don't waste your time and money....this is about the worst job switch I can think of.Larry | |
Music out there with good bass Minu Cinelu self titled album....former Weather Report player...Larry | |
I'm Ready to go TUBE Suggest you go preamp first not power may stop there....Larry | |
Consonance Droplet I've owned this a year...anything but anemic and prior was a BAT VKD5se and feel the Droplet is superior in everyway....much more tuneful and robust bass,great imaging and staging...plenty of detail...I have yet to encounter an owner ... | |
Mixed Results from My Hifi Massed produced Pop is notorious for terrible sound, with exceptions...I'd suggest just listening in the car or on a boombox since it won't matter...your rig sounds like it's a good one and there's no way to make those terrible recordings sound be... | |
Consonance 6550 tube question Suggest you contact Stephen Monte at Quest for Sound, Philadelphia...he sells Consonance and is a tube expert....he'll be able to answer all your questions.Consonance is known as the "mcIntosh of Europe" according to Mr. MonteLarry | |
Paradigm S4, Revel Gems, VSA VR 2??? VSA VR2 gets my vote....can play subtle details and rock out....Larry | |
Auric Illuminator on CD's Never heard of this problem...laser alignment issue?? Used AI for years unti I discovered Nanotech treatment out there right now. | |
How do you have your Droplet cdp hooked up? Run mine through a Consonance integrated.Larry | |
How should I build a system around my speakers? Get an integrated. for one grand you have lots of choices and can get something decent.Larry | |
ARTICLE -Teens say they prefe vinyl to CDs I'm all for anything that gets people to listen to music instead of sitting in front of the idiot box.Larry | |
integrated tube amp recommendations, with remote I don't know what speakers you use..I have an integrated Consonance Cyber Sig 10...Larry | |
Home made absorption panels..... go to Jon Risch's website. | |
any experience with the Consonance 211 amps? tickfight owns the 211's and mates them with VSA db99's.Larry | |
Which power cord to upgrade first? I always put the PC on the cdp first....amp thereafter but amp pc effect was subtle and the cdp was not.Larry |