
Responses from larryken

Starting a high-end audio shop... Am I crazy?
Don't waste your time and money....this is about the worst job switch I can think of.Larry 
Music out there with good bass
Minu Cinelu self titled album....former Weather Report player...Larry 
I'm Ready to go TUBE
Suggest you go preamp first not power may stop there....Larry 
Consonance Droplet
I've owned this a year...anything but anemic and prior was a BAT VKD5se and feel the Droplet is superior in everyway....much more tuneful and robust bass,great imaging and staging...plenty of detail...I have yet to encounter an owner ... 
Mixed Results from My Hifi
Massed produced Pop is notorious for terrible sound, with exceptions...I'd suggest just listening in the car or on a boombox since it won't matter...your rig sounds like it's a good one and there's no way to make those terrible recordings sound be... 
Consonance 6550 tube question
Suggest you contact Stephen Monte at Quest for Sound, Philadelphia...he sells Consonance and is a tube expert....he'll be able to answer all your questions.Consonance is known as the "mcIntosh of Europe" according to Mr. MonteLarry 
Paradigm S4, Revel Gems, VSA VR 2???
VSA VR2 gets my vote....can play subtle details and rock out....Larry 
Auric Illuminator on CD's
Never heard of this problem...laser alignment issue?? Used AI for years unti I discovered Nanotech treatment out there right now. 
How do you have your Droplet cdp hooked up?
Run mine through a Consonance integrated.Larry 
How should I build a system around my speakers?
Get an integrated. for one grand you have lots of choices and can get something decent.Larry 
ARTICLE -Teens say they prefe vinyl to CDs
I'm all for anything that gets people to listen to music instead of sitting in front of the idiot box.Larry 
integrated tube amp recommendations, with remote
I don't know what speakers you use..I have an integrated Consonance Cyber Sig 10...Larry 
Home made absorption panels.....
go to Jon Risch's website. 
any experience with the Consonance 211 amps?
tickfight owns the 211's and mates them with VSA db99's.Larry 
Which power cord to upgrade first?
I always put the PC on the cdp first....amp thereafter but amp pc effect was subtle and the cdp was not.Larry