
Responses from larry_s

64-bit iTunes
It's not bad news and it's not good news for ripping CDs and managing your music with iTunes. Just compiling and linking it to run in 64bit mode won't make any difference except for a little bigger size of the image. 
Will a quality USB cable make a difference....
"So, OK it is plausible that different USB cables sound different from one another."If there are any measurable "speed" differences in cables that would cause timing issues the difference would probably so small compared to any clocking on the hos... 
Need Help in having Itunes Tag 1 Tb of lssless Wav
Yes, Herman, argument wasn't the best choice but I was in a hurry. It just shows a major flaw in internet discussion vs face to face. Something that would be over in seconds takes days. :)I do use iTunes to manage stuff for my iPod, but it's too m... 
Need Help in having Itunes Tag 1 Tb of lssless Wav
Herman, I'm not trying to argue about anything.2nd post said: Every time I see someone here advise using WAV files "because they sound better" (NOT validated by my own tests, by the way) I cringe. And this is why: WAV files have no standard way fo... 
Need Help in having Itunes Tag 1 Tb of lssless Wav
Herman, I may have drifted from the OPs issue, but sonically there's nothing wrong with .WAV files. If you need tags, well, there is something wrong. I use .WAV files and have no problems organizing my music to my liking. 
Need Help in having Itunes Tag 1 Tb of lssless Wav
There's nothing wrong with .WAV files if you're not going to use iTunes. If I had all those files I'd ditch the Mac Mini save myself some work. Windoze or Linux can pop PCM out a USB port. 
Wireless external hard drive for music
It must be a terminology issue. I can't find a wireless "disk" that is not NAS "network attached storage". A NAS device can handle one or more systems/connections at the same time. Using a NAS device is common and should work just fine as long as ... 
Wireless external hard drive for music
Is there a hard drive that is wireless and will only talk to one system? That makes almost no sense except for some bizarre circumstances. Are you talking about a NAS drive? One that can serve data to multiple systems at a time. It will works just... 
Looking for EZ way to do audio fr PC and IPOD
Copy the files from the iPod that aren't on your PC and just use the PC. Most of them are already there if you only have 30GB on the iPod and have 15K files. 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible?
..., any dock that will extract... ?Yes. 
i tunes vs. j river in pc realm
If you get the current version of the free JRiver, you won't be able to use kernel streaming or secure rips. IIRC you'll have to find V12. JRiver Media Center, like iTunes, is overkill for just playing/managing music files. 
Will a quality USB cable make a difference....
Some people will remember some of my posts and it's no surprise I agree with Br3098. Any thing that a USB cable can do to "impede" bit flow is probably negligible compared hard timing realities in a PC or adapting the clock in the DAC for non asyn... 
PC Audio via S/PDIF question
Yes, you are correct. For sending PCM via USB you don't need any sound "card" or chip to get involved. Make sure you use a player and "kernel streaming" to bypass Windoze internal mixer. There's a couple documents around that can help you set up t... 
J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different
Pettyofficer,I have have a hammer, nails, saw, a level, and some other things at home, but I couldn't build a house tomorrow or next month. Same goes for a PC. It's basically a tool chest that allow you to build/make/do things once you figure out ... 
Your experience & thoughts on SSDs for MacMini
"I don't have time to sort out the differences in our results, but after hearing a clear difference in our numerous tests, I am surprised you don't hear any. TO each thier own I guess." Blind or sighted tests? If there are truly differences in sou...