

Responses from larry5729

Point of higher priced streamer?
Bet if you did a blind test, most people would buy the BlueSound Node2i.  I added a DAC and had to sell it on Audiogon.  The BlueSound sounded better on its own.  I call it the Emperor's New Cloths syndrome.  If you spend more, you convince yourse... 
ProAc DT8 vs D20R
I just looked online at the DT8 and the DT20R.  How could so few drivers produce good sound to begin with?  How can one speaker share so many frequencies and image sound better than a speaker with a tweeter, a mid range speaker and one to two woof... 
Music bleeding at zero volume
What did the dealer say? 
Your shipping wrecks. USPS,FED-EX and UPS
Why would anyone buy from eBay.  You are dealing with a bunch of amateurs.  You get what you pay for.  I would trust a dealer before trusting a private party trying to sell their junk. 
Under rated:Salk AudioParadigmOver Rated:Focal Aria Series (Where's the bass)Martin LoganB &W 804's 
Looking for some new floor standing speakers
By the way, the Focal 936's are not what you are looking for if you want bass.  I listened to them and said "Where's the Bass?"  If you like bass, add a pair of REL S2 SHO subwoofers.  Their high level connection allows them to act like woofers an... 
Looking for some new floor standing speakers
My first pick would be a pair of SALK Song3 Encore's for $6,000.  They sound better than a pair of $20,000 speakers at RMAF.  Jim Salk sells direct and by passes the dealer wholesale discounts and as a result uses expensive drivers.  They are incr... 
Speaker upgrade
They look like incredible speakers.  To be curious, what kind of power do you need to drive these and what would it cost?  Looks like a lot of speaker for $28,000/pair.  I think they have soft dome tweeters.  If so, do soft dome tweeters sound bet... 
How old are you?
71 years old and wishing I was working again in my industry.  However, my industry has and is rapidly disappearing with the change in the way people communicate today,  I loved to work rather than worked to play. 
Any advice? Parasound A21, Ayre V5xe, Benchmark AHB2, or Bryston 4B3?
I think it all depends upon whether you like a warm sound or a brighter sound and how they match with your speakers.  I would certainly try to audition them if you can side by side or at least sit down for a couple of hours to hear what sound most... 
The problem with Magicos
So why do people by Magico's?  Maybe there is something magic about the noise?  How would you know this to begin with? 
What Audio Religion have you converted others to successfully?
I think it is important to be satisfied with what you have and just enjoy listening to music.  Otherwise you won't even enjoy listening to music.  Doesn't hurt to drop by your local dealer to hear what is available to see if there is something you... 
Music streamers
I really like my BlueSound Node 2i.  I added a DAC and sold it on Audiogon.  I thought the BlueSound DAC sounded much better.  Wonder if an expensive streamer sounds SIGNIFICANTLY better?  If so, what do you hear? 
Is Modern Jazz an Oxymoron?
I stream Tidal and stumbled into a an album titled:Weltentraum Live (Philharmonie Berline)Released 10/31/2014Track 8 titled Little Person (live)This piece captured my attention.  Wait until you hear the string bass come in.  Rich low notes just fi... 
What is Floyd Toole saying about extra amplifier power and headroom?
All of you are above my knowledge, but would extra power provide less distortion as a result of not having to push thing so hard to achieve a certain volume level.  I would also think matching efficient speakers could also help.  What about adding...