

Responses from larry5729

Speaker size and soundstage
I noticed a significant change when moving my towers away from the wall.  However, the biggest charge came after adding a pair of Rel S2 Sho subs.  The key is to dial the subs in with the correct crossover and to dial in the volume.  I think the m... 
You mean someone buys this stuff?
It must be wireless.  A toddler would have a hay day! 
Considering an integrated
It depends if you want to use with TV as well as 2 channel stereo.  I like my ARCAM.There are some great integrated amps out there. I can’t here a difference between integrated and separates.  Integrated amps have gotten a lot better, 
How much reality do you really need?
How do you know if your system sounds like the sound room where it was recorded or how it sounded live?  I think a sound system alters the sound in order to hear what sounds most pleasing to your ear.  The next step is how much are you willing to ... 
Why do people say low power amps should be good for bookshelf speakers?
I have found many of the Magnolia sales people to not know what they are talking about.  This is why I would prefer to talk to a good independent audio dealer. 
Using 2 different brands of interconnects?
I would imagine if you did a blind test you would not be able to detect a difference.  Someone should do this with twenty people present, 
Interesting thought
I have yet to see a pair of stereo speakers in a home.  Dealers and manufacturers should chip in together to do some direct marketing.  Direct mail and not email marketing.  Invite people to an open house to discover music as a new entertainment p... 
Where are the young audiophiles?
I have a realtor who sends me MLS listings in our area so we can track the approximate value of our home.  Over the past 3 years I have yet to see a pair of stereo speakers pictured in any room of their house.  I will see $5,000 entertainment cabi... 
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
Williams 53b,you are a great example of what we are talking about.  Another put down cutesie remark.  Do you feel better now.  Did you retain your snob status?  
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
Erik Squires,I could not agree with you more.  I thought I was the only one.  Some of the put downs and cute remarks makes me feel perhaps you need to be a snob to be an audiophile.  What would be funny would be to discover the cute guy doing the ... 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
I totally believe in blind testing.  Seeing a label on a piece of equipment known to be prestigious does not mean it sounds better.  Let your ears be the judge.  For example I purchased a BlueSound Node 2i and the dealer talked me into adding a DA... 
What is an audiophile? Are you an audiophile?
Russ69 you must be a genius.  You hit it on the head.  I really get turned off by arrogant jerks who think they know more than anyone on the planet who are quick to put someone down because they know they have a cheaper system.  To me these are no... 
Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo
My wife would move me out of the house if I bought these.  They must sound incredible.  Wonder what you would pair with these.  Where could you put a speaker like these?  You would need to put these in a $3 million home.A realtor sends me listings... 
6.5 vs 8 vs 10 woofer
Douglas what would you buy?  Are you a dealer. I think this discussion makes sense because a lot of us are confused on this subject.I thought he was basically asking a question rather than trying to tell us what is best.I think we would like to he... 
Do you have ways to ease use of vinyl?
I just sit on my sofa with my cell phone using my BlueSound Node2i and selecting from a huge library.  No brushing or cleaning.  No noise!I wish I could figure out why people use vinyl?  I like the looks of a $20,000 turn table.  However, after th...