

Responses from larry5729

Wanting to upgrade my streaming sound quality.
I wish I could find a dealer in town that can demonstrate different streamers to hear the difference using the same components and speakers.    
Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more...
I think the moment the conversation changes to cute, sarcastic remarks, this defeats the purpose of why this discussion platform was created.  We all need to remember there are beginners, intermediates and experts.  Some of us are here to learn fr... 
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
I would think the biggest difference would be how differently speakers sound.  I would think when you buy larger size speakers that's when you need more power to drive them effortlessly.  That is when I would think you would need to find a more po... 
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ...
I can't begin to comprehend someone spending $50,000 for a DAC.  I wonder if they should spend their money instead on a tube amplifier.  They must have a very understanding wife to spend that kind of money.    
Denver and Front Range furniture maker -- just did my audio rack!
What still amazes me is to be sent a local real estate listing and to see a $5,000 entertainment cabinet with a 65" TV with no speakers to listen to the sound.  How anyone would listen to their TV speakers is beyond me.  Then to scroll through the... 
Why this forum deletes full threads ?
Usually, people who are abusive with curt sarcastic remarks are being removed.  We were warned back in November/December this would happen shortly after the first of the year.  Just think about the tone of this discussion.  This platform is for ma... 
Masimo Acquires Sound United - Are Denon, Classe, Polk, B&W, Marantz, going to fade away??
I think the audiophile industry thinks they can exist without advertising.  I have a realtor send me listings of new homes for sale and I yet to see two speakers in any of their rooms.  Does this mean people don't like music or do they not know th... 
Problem with one channel going out.....
It sounds to me tube amplifiers are more finnicky than solid state.  Hope the sound difference is worth the bother.  Perhaps this is why they manufacture solid state equipment.  However, tube amplifiers do sound warmer.  I wonder what produces the... 
The Cable Company sold me bi-amp speaker wires and said this is better than using jumper cables.  They didn't cost that much more.  Who knows if any of this makes any difference.     
Am I nuts?
How stupid is that?  I think you answered your question already.  Why would they sell a 15 year old CD player?  Maybe they are streaming hi-res music instead and they are joining the new century.  
Maggie 1.7i's lack detail. Ideas?
Get rid of the Murantz.  That is your weak link.  
What is it I'm failing to grasp?
I actually think many well engineered recordings sound better than live music.  Not all venues sound the same and there are a lot of distractions.  Red Rocks is the exception.  But here again what kind of amplifiers are performers using? Their equ... 
Audio nonsense
I am new to this hobby and often wonder if you can hear a difference in adding all of these expensive devices to a system.  It would be fun to sneak into someone's house and install some of things into a system while they are gone then come back a... 
Thinking of taking the plunge.
I have  BlueSound Node 2i.  I wonder if anyone has done a blind test to see if you can hear a difference in comparing a more expensive streamer?  If so, I wonder what you would hear that would motivate you to spend more?  So far, I don't see the v... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
I think it would be helpful if Audiogon identified members as vendors/retailers beside their name.  It would make sense so those of us who are consumers know where there might be bias so retailers can use this platform to sell things.