
Responses from larry510

SET for Orchestral , Big Band etc.
hi,I have a 2a3 amp and 101 db effiecient sspeakers and symphonic pieces for the most part are great. Big Bands are no problem and small jazz groups are glorious. I can play it at 97 db snd still have 10 db of headroom.Larry 
deHavilland Ultraverve 6sn7 tube question?
hi,I'm using Sylvania 6SN7W in my AES preamps and they are great tubes. Extended response, detailed and very musical.Larry 
want to try a SET but where to start, I have......
hi,I have Wright mono 3.5's 2a3 set amps paired with Klipsch Cornwalls, 99 db sensitivity. The combination is great. Plenty of vloume, dynamics and good bass with unbelievable mids and highs. Klipsch speakers do very well with flea powered amps.Larry 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hiOnhwy61 said " Larry510, is it possible for you to imagine that some people have listened to Klipsch (Heresy, LaScala, KHorn) speakers and didn't fall in love with them. Maybe they wanted a speaker that went deeper in the bass, or one that sound... 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hiYou didn't raise my blood pressure. I just thought the implication in your post was not well thought out. Robm321 "Sorry to raise everyone's blood pressure, but I just don't see anyone going to Klipsch. Maybe I'm just not around all the hoards o... 
Wife Acceptance Factor
hi Buy now, Pay later 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hi,Robm321 ... that's a teenagers responsehope you can do better nextr timeLarry 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hi,BTW there a lot of easy inexpensive tweeks you can do on Khorns such as getting new crossovers and rope calking the tweeter or squaker horns to mellow them a little bit if that's your inclination. The formus have a lot of how to information on ... 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hi,RE: Klipsch there is always a lot a c**p slung around, at least on this forum. The folks who like them say so, usually in a nice way. The folks who have tried them and don't say so, usually in a nice way. A lot of folks who have not heard them ... 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hi,Onhwy61have you heard the two side by side ? if not your opinion means nothingNow Pawlowski6132 can do just that if he wants. Buy a pair of horns for about 2000 listen to both and sell the one he wants to. If he sells the horns he'll get what h... 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hiOnhwy61, your missing the point. The man asked about Khorns which can be bought used from 1550 to 2500 dollars. The speakers you referred to were 4x as much. 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hi."Klipsch do some things very well, but they are not modern speakers. If you want to get serious about horns you might want to consider something like the Classic Audio Reproduction line. They use much better drivers and parts than Klipsch and i... 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hi,,"There is music in the mighty Klipschorn."Amen to that. Just listen to them with a open mind.good listeningLarry 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hi Telescope_Trade,Your handle can only mean, I think, that your are in some way interested in telescopes. So am I, particularly in asto imaging. See my web site with images taken with a Takahashi Mewlon 250 and a SBIG ST10XME 
Klipschorn: Still relevant??
hi Rod 1957,Yes you heard me right. Check out the Klipisch two channel forum and do a search on the Cornwall III's. They are planning to bring them back on the market and have a prototype. They are still tweeking them for the best overall sound. P...