

Responses from lalitk

Is OPPO worth the inflated price?
Not worth the $3500 price tag with a average quality DAC.  
Aqua xHD v Rockna WD SE Balanced
@wpruett,Did you end up buying the fully Balanced Rockna? Are you located in US?I was fortunate enough to compare this DAC in my system. Rockna has a weightier, substantial, focused and more frontal in-room soundstage than any other DAC (including... 
Is it just me or has Quboz crashed?
I now have a paid subscription, yet to experience any hiccups with the service 🤞 
Cd's to make a come back in the future?
@uberwaltz,LOL!!!! Next up for donation is my stack of 400 plus CD’s to Goodwill. Most of the listening nowadays is Tidal/Qobuz and my premium stack of SACD’s /  XRCD’s.  
Cd's to make a come back in the future?
“Nakamichi cassette deck for $2395”. I left my stash of 200 cassettes and Technics dual tape deck outside my apartment dumpster about 17 years ago. I was moving out and didn’t want to lug around tapes and CD’s.  
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
“CD is a dead media format”. CD is far from dead....if we are talking about mainstream then CD, Vinyl, Tape all are pretty much dead formats. As @fleschler pointed out there are many releases of great recordings are being put out on CD’s. One reli... 
We are buying and reviewing gear all wrong
The last two posts pretty much nailed it. I reiterate, assembling a good system from different manufacturers is what makes this hobby so much fun. Buying everything from one manufacturer is virtually impossible and often offer compromises....you’r... 
A DAC that can make digital sound analog?
“I am certain digital can sound as good, if not better than, vinyl and tape. And I am curious to find solutions towards that end.”Emm Labs DA2 is one such DAC that can END your quest.  
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
“Vinyl is more for people who love music.”Thanks for humoring us.......LMAO!!!! 😂 🤣😂 
Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz
“Since you already have excellent content, why on earth add another source where you have no content at all? Instead, why not just invest in a better dac / reclocker-regenerator / cable combo”.That’s the best advice so far....I held off the the te... 
Can we start a thread for folks who run a SET amp with a subwoofer or two?
“a set of Classic Audio Loudspeakers model T-3s” And they are powered by? Amp specs please?  
Can we start a thread for folks who run a SET amp with a subwoofer or two?
@jbhiller, You have a very nice system. Thanks for sharing!  
Can we start a thread for folks who run a SET amp with a subwoofer or two?
@jbhiller,Thanks for starting this thread. I have recently acquired 40W SET mono’s to mate with Canterbury’s. While they are quite adept in driving my 96db efficiency speakers, I do miss the sub at times. IMO, no tube amp or speaker can come close... 
Recommendation about speakers with limited space behind
@kalikrates, SONOS is a great alternative to conventional stereo system. We are now talking lifestyle audio and there is none better than SONOS. I own SONOS playbar with a sub in my two TV rooms. Never felt the need to add rear speakers cause play... 
Recommendation about speakers with limited space behind
@kalikrates,You didn’t say what would be your source player? Are you streaming music or using a conventional CD or Record player. I am going to go on a limb here and make a recommendation based on your limited space. When I first heard them I was ...