

Responses from lak

Pure Note cables and some comments.
I auditioned the Pure Note Epsilon Reference Interconnects and Speaker Cables. They are excellent! I highly recommend fellow audiophiles give them an audition if you’re in the market for an upgrade. Although they are burned in two days on a cooker... 
Who would like to see a "Tube" section
I'd like to see a tube section! I might even decied to post some tubes there that I know are good. 
Use of Ferrite Cores for EMI Reduction???
Check out the Audiopoints.com site and see what they are using with their cables and AC cords! 
FIM 880 AC Outlet-- Best tweak I've ever heard
Would the FIM 880 outlet make an improvement for a power conditioner such as Equi=Tech Q2? 
Are silver cables on the way out?
I have gotton very good results with Bear Lab Silver Lightning and Granite Audio #470 Silver interconnects (the cables sound correct to me, not bright). As technology improves it's possible that other companies will improve upon their product as S... 
Granite Audio 470 Interconnect. Bal- Opinions?
I have tested the #470 on tubes and solid state units. The #470 is a very good interconnect that does not sound like the stereotypical "silver" interconnects that I hear others put down, (it sounds correct with very good lows, mids, and highs). Th... 
Can connecting 2 XLR cables together degrade sound
In my opinion the more connections there are the greater the likelihood of minor sound change. It might not be noticable, only you can tell if the difference bothers you. 
What's the best amp s for Lowther drivers?
The DX-3 can get a great sound with plenty of volume with 5 watts of tube. I would think 15 or more watts with SS would be great. What is the size of your room? 
Interconnects recommendation for passive preamp?
Bear Lab Silver Lightning or Granite Audio Silver #470 
Has anyone heard the Granite Audio 657 cd player?
Where to get spikes for Apogee Cephus 6's? Help
Do you use spikes for tile/marbel floor?
I prefer to use a brass coupling disk that can be found at: audiopoints.com mine have worked great on hard wood floors, concrete, and the bottom side of my stereo components where the point of a spike meets the bottom of the equipment. 
Which cables and ic's would you choose?
Granite Audio #470 Silver Interconnects (99.999%)Bear Lab Silver Lighting Interconnecs (99.999%)Cardas Golden Reference Speaker Cables 
Jazz review: reissues of 2 favorite LP's
Hi Scott,Aitchnu said it all, thanks again...Larry 
Spikes for Vienna Mahler?
audiopoints.com has a large selection.