

Responses from lak

Holy SnickerDoodles Read This
Hey Sugarbrie, how close are you to Friendsville in Maryland? I’m there occasionally kayaking on the Upper Youghiogheny River. Sugarbrie + Rives + Lak = Drinks! 
Review: Pure Note Epsilon Reference Interconnect
Sonic genius, I whole heartily agree. I also use the Pure Note Epsilon Reference IC’s and speaker cables in my system. I was very pleasantly surprised at the improvement I heard over all in the areas of bass, mid’s and highs with a SWEET timbre I ... 
Audiogoners Anonymous?
Boy, oh-boy! I’m there too, maybe not as addicted as the above Audiogoner’s (my wife would disagree) but only because my job does not allow me the time to hook up with the computer more than twice during working hours for a short time. But later i... 
Holy SnickerDoodles Read This
At least one ;-) Depends how many I've had! 
Holy SnickerDoodles Read This
Rives,The Equi-Tech pluges into the Wall (Wattgate 381), so I beleive it was out of the equation if I understand your question correctly. When I have some additional time to play I'll try a single piece of equipment through the Wattgate 381, like ... 
Barber in concert ... well worth the outing
Thanks for the review, I always enjoy reading about the events that I can't get to. 
Feedback on legacy sig III speakers?
I own a pair of Legacy Signature III speakers, I’ve owned them for seven years. I find them a very good value in the areas of over all sound, quality drivers and parts and excellent craftsmanship. Before someone out there blasts what I just said I... 
$150 Transport anyone?
Sounds interesting, I'd like to follow this thread, and be included. 
What are 6 feet going to do for me?
The Stealth helps your other equipment sound better. Using a different power cord on the Stealth will probably make the entire system sound like it got an injection of steroids at the highest dose possible! Additional power cords to your other equ... 
Sand or Lead shot
I agree with, and second what Jcbtubes said. I use the Micro-Bearings with great results and highly recommend them. A bit pricey but worth it. “One bearing, thinner than a human hair and smaller than a grain of sand (.0087 millimeters each), multi... 
SEPT 11?
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since the worst tragedy in the history of the United States on our home soil. Every day I’m thankful for all my family and the ability to live in this glorious country. Personally, I’ll be making t... 
Tweaks & How My System Disappeared
Jadem6,WOW! My hat’s off to you! I love music and testing different gear including tweaks, but not on your level. Keep up the good work and keep us posted! 
Patricia Barber "Verse" released and online
Mzn50,Thanks for the information. I did not realize Barber had a new CD releasted! 
What gear do Audio manufacturers use at home?
Excellent question, I've wondered that myself? I think many times we would be surprised to see some of them use avarage equipment as opposed to exotic equipment. 
Tube Amp Ventilation?
I use to own a CJ 11-A amp. If you don't use the tube cage you could get away with the Salamander inclosed stand you describe above. I prefer and use the open Salamander stand that Aida w spoke of.