

Responses from lak

Needle just gets stuck in a particular spot of the record ! What is going on?
I also use the Audio Intelligent three step cleaning system and like it very much. If you are able to correct the situation please be sure to post how you fixed the problem. 
Helpful and altruistic audio community members
I totally agree! There are many members of Audiogon that I've communicated with that have a wealth of knowledge and are very willing to assist and answer questions. Way to many people to mention and I wouldn't want to miss someone so all I'll say ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
This thread keeps getting better and better! 
Thank you to the Audiogon Team
I also agree with the above comments. There have been a half dozen times or so that I needed assistance and received a response within a reasonably short amount of time.Thank you team! 
Santa Came Early!
Have you ever spoken with a designer or audio engineer
Personally, I don't care who says what. I trust my own ears and no longer care who believes what. Although I do feel sorry for those that don't have the ability to listen to music and figure out what they are hearing. 
Blue Circle's PLC -2 Thingee conditioner versus Transparent Audio PLC 6 conditioner???:
I agree with illuminator, regarding the purchase of the PLC Thingee FX2 X0e 6 outlet Power Conditioner. If I recall correctly, it actually has improved filtering over older models.If anyone is interested PM me, I have one PLC Puck and one PLC Thin... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
The information is priceless... Thanks for the postings and updates.Charles1dad, I anxiously await to hear the reports regarding the addition of  Reds in other equipment :-) 
Blue Circle's PLC -2 Thingee conditioner versus Transparent Audio PLC 6 conditioner???:
Sunnyjim,I have not heard the Transparent Audio but I have own the Thingee for over 1 1/2 years. I agree with Nonoise and his comments.I will say that if the unit you purchase is brand new, you might need to let it air-out for a week in a garage f... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
calloway, Thats great news, please keep us posted on the progress and improvements. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
acman3,You have a very nice system.IMO; I think you will get more bang for your buck with an upgrade to a HF power cord vs. the upgrade to speaker cables. I could be wrong, but just my thoughts. I'm using an Allnic T-1500 in one of my systems with... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
calvinj & acman3,Thanks for the information...fill us in after break-in, or as it progresses.acman3; what piece of equipment is your  Silent Source MR powering? 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@calvinj, congratulations, please post your thoughts once you receive and have an opportunity to use the new HF power conditioner. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
It's all very interesting, and I do believe the SR Red and/or the AH would make an improvement in high end audio equipment.I'm waiting for charles1dad's thoughts and report back here, before I "bust a move" ;-). 
Need Inexpensive Digital Cable
Depending on the quality of workmanship, the sound you desire, and the amount you want to spend; take a look at what Oyaide.com has to offer.