

Responses from ladok

Class "A" phono cartridge discussion.
Keep in mind that the "Stereophile" ratings, Class A or otherwise, are just a listing of the components they have reviewed, and don't represent all the competitive brands that are out there. 
Rega RP10 or Nottingham Space 294 or VPI Prime
Thanks for the info. I started years ago with a VPI HW-19, had it for about 10 years, and then decided to try a Rega P5. I was struck by how much "quieter in the groove" the Rega was. I know VPI has come along way since the HW-19. 
What Sensitivity with Tube Components?
I think almarg is giving you some good advice. I have been using low-medium powered tube amps for 40 years, and if you want to get into tube amps, I would not say anything to discourage it, they can provide a very satisfying listening experience. ... 
Devore Gibbon X or O/96?
Oh, and I've completely gotten over my concern about the physical stability of the O/96, which sit on the stands with four legs. They are very stable and so much easier to move and position without having to mess with spiked feet. 
Devore Gibbon X or O/96?
I was fortunate in that the 0/96 "demos" I listened to were 2 weeks old and I was able to buy that very pair. The dealer even brought them to my house, help me set them up, and took away my Devore 9s that he accepted in trade. I do remember having... 
Devore Gibbon X or O/96?
An update: I made my decision after having an opportunity to listen to the O/96 at a local dealer, and bought them on the spot. This is indeed a different animal than the Devore 9s. They go louder and are more dynamic with my Shindo gear. The soun... 
Devore Gibbon X or O/96?
I'm a little concerned about the physical stability of the 0/96. My room is carpeted with a thin floorboard underneath, and with my Gibbon 9s it takes careful adjustment of the spikes to get the speakers leveled and stable. The 96 has those four w... 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
I know you're relieved that you diagnosed the problem. It's a wonderful hobby when you get it right! 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
You should let them play for at least another 40-50 hours and reassess the bass. I suspect 50% of cases where the owner is disappointed with a new components is due to not letting the component break in. I have experienced this myself and felt a l... 
DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?
I am now adding Tannoy to my list of possible upgrades over the Devore 9s. Thanks for the comments on the O/96, they are still in the running, along with the Tannoy Definition DC10 Ti. 
DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?
Just goes to show, if you're tapping your foot to the car radio but not to your $10,000 speakers, you've really screwed up. 
DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?
Well, I very definitely want to "feel the groove." The Gibbon 9s do this very nicely. I've got plenty of room from the side walls to "dial in" the bass. I would not want to give up boogie factor to get bigger scale and deeper bass, or the sense th... 
DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?
Thanks Jetrexpro, doubt if I'd have an opportunity to hear them. Certainly don't want a speaker that doesn't have a "groove." What are your speakers (E's)? 
DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?
The reviews I've read of the O/96 do not mention sluggish bass, but room placement does seem critical for getting the bass right. I love my 9s, the bass is tight and also has impact. I'm looking to increase the sense of scale and get some more bas... 
Verity speakers for $7k or less?
I owned the Parsifal Encores with the second tweeter for 7 years, and used them with the Cary SL98P and an Audio Research tube amp, the combo was NOT too warm, it was actually fantastic.