
Responses from kurt_tank

Cartridges - what have you owned and your opinion
Madfloyd,I bought my Dyanvector XV-1S from a friend who put about 400-500 hours on it. I paid $1,900.00 for it, if that helps. (Another friend sold one for approximately the same price about a year ago, so that seems to be about the right price ra... 
vinyl on the move
Kennyt, you're right, you are the one, and only one, causing the entire resurgence.But the entire resurgence can only continue if you, and only you, continue to upgrade your analog system. We expect you to do the following:One, upgrade your TT eve... 
Cartridges - what have you owned and your opinion
Well, I will give the quick synopsis of the few I have tried, since I got back into analog about 5 years ago.Note: As a point of reference, my analog system first consisted of a Basis 1400, with RB 300 tonearm, then went to a Basis 2001, with a RB... 
rockport altair any informed opinions?
I have not heard the Altair, but I have heard two other Rockport speakers, the Antares (an incredible full range speaker, and my personal favorite), and the Mira Grand (a incredible almost full ranges speaker, only missing the lower half an octave... 
Ayre K-1xe vs Audio Research Ref 3
Mtdking,I disagree with you about the gain that the K-1xe has. I think it has too much gain, if anything. (I am getting ready to open it up and change out the resistors in the line stage actually, in order to decrease its gain, so I can run the vo... 
Ayre K-1xe vs Audio Research Ref 3
I agree with Stringreen that both are excellent preamps.I own the K-1xe also, while my friend owns the ARC Ref. 3 preamp. I have not compared them in the same system, but I am familiar enough with his system to try to offer my opinions as to each ... 
Tube Amp Recommendation for a solid state guy
What speakers are you currently using?Do you know what the specifications are for them?(i.e. sensitivity and impedance?)Your current amp has 250 wpc into 8 ohms. That is a lot of power, and if your speakers need that kind of power, it will be diff... 
Best Amps match for Egglestonworks Andra 2 ?
I use 200 wpc Lamm M2.1 hybrid monoblocks with my Andra 2 speakers. (I do use some NOS Amperex pinched waist 6922's rather than the stock Sovtek tubes that come with the Lamms though.) These amps have a nice touch of tube mid-range magic, as well ... 
Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so..
Hello Mtdking,You wrote: "I will have to disagree that the Lamm M1.1 has more bass output then the VTL MB-450 sigs."Assuming you wrote that because of my post, (I believe I was the only one to recommend the Lamms in this thread), I would like to p... 
Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so..
Hce4,I see that you are contemplating using the VTL MB-450s.My friend used to use the VTL MB-450s with his Eidolon speakers, before he upgraded to the Lamm M2.2s. The VTLs are very musical amps, with great mid-range and a well extended treble. The... 
Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so..
I too use and love my Ayre K-1xe preamp, and plan on keeping it for a very long time as well. (The phono stage makes this an incredible value as a full function preamp, IMHO!) Its neutrality and transparency is incredible.However, I too found most... 
moving magnet or moving coil cartrige
Audiofeil: True, the B&O cartridges can't compete with the better cartridges that you've named, (I happen to own, and love, the Dynavector XV-1S). But then again, the cost of the B&O cartridges, even adjusting for inflation, is only a frac... 
moving magnet or moving coil cartrige
Hey RW, Well, I agree with you, up to a point anyway.I too used to have a B&O TT (A Beogram 3000, as I recall that was also a linear tracking TT, like yours), and I too used a MMC2 cartridge.The cartridge's mass being so low was certainly a pl... 
moving magnet or moving coil cartrige
I think this will help you.Click on the link below, then press the "Cartridges" tab, and then the "Prestige - Gold and Silver" tab.Grado Gold Spec'sNot a bad cartridge for the price.My brother and brother-in-law both have one and it sounds pretty ... 
Album Storage
So Theo, if you exclude the word "the", how would you file the rock group "The The" then?:-)I file mine by the same method as Rushton.