Responses from kr4
Is $18,000 enough for a high end HT? The sub may rattle your windows but I am doubtful of calling a system with on/in ceiling speakers high end. You need the front ones, especially the center channel, much closer to the horizontal plane of the screen.Choose a dealer (or two) and ask ... | |
Questions re: Biamplification 3- Yes. Results not significant as long as single amp is adequately powerful. | |
Passive subs hook up question. Assuming that the crossover frequency is low enough to avoid directional cues, I would use the first (stereo) setup only if the subs were directly under or right at each of the L/R main speakers, respectively. Otherwise, you are better off with a ... | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ Sean wrote: "Kal must have found a good rock to hide under...."Meaning what? "or is either more selective / more careful about how and what he writes : )"You might say so; I could not possibly comment. ;-) | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ Helcat wrote: "I was referring corporate policies in some companies prohibiting posting on internet bulletin boards within their industry, even anonymously. It is assumed you speak for the publisher."It would be incorrect to assume so. My statemen... | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ Reviewers cannot afford such measures. We do have 2 methods.First, there's the double-blind procedure: When we meet with manufacturers, it is a requirement that we both get blind drunk so that no one can remember what was discussed or with whom. S... | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ Why do you think it is an 'interesting choice of words?' It is in reference to an earlier post about the conditions for not confining me to quarters. | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ "I imagine that a Stereopile reviewer may not be able to disclose for corporate reasons." I do not know what, specifically, this refers to.Kal (who has no relatives in the audio business) | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ Yeah. They should lock us in: No trips and no visitors. ;-) | |
silly HT front/rear matching question? Should work OK. The most important matching is across the front. | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ Golden_ears wrote: "Actually, if a player breaks down more than once on the reviewer, (or if it is not a good product) there are two opinions on what should happen: - terminate the review process and send the designer back to the drawing board - p... | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ You wrote: "good advertisers=good revues." Again, if you have any proof that there is such a quid pro quo relationship, please let us know. I am not asking for anecdotes or any simple statistical study, just an agreement in writing or a verbal one... | |
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++ You wrote: "I've heard from people in the business that it can cost a lot of money to get a Class "A" rating..... The price was too high for the maufacturer to get a review there, so Sterophile doesn't get that component for review."Speaking as so... | |
Thoughts on Paradigm Studio 60's? Whatever the issue, you cannot avoid adaptation. It happens. | |
Thoughts on Paradigm Studio 60's? I think you have to let your ears adapt. The Studio60s are much smoother, flatter than the punchy Polks. |