

Responses from kr4

The XA9000ES's are hitting the Classifieds Rapidly
None of the HD/BD players announced will play SACD. Kal 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
Jafox wrote: "With simply using the Bypass switch on the Rives, there is a significant improvement with the unit in the loop. The reduction of the bass peaks brings on a huge clarity especially in the mids. However, when I remove the Rives and the... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
The Rives is as close to transparent as a line stage except, of course, when you intentionally manipulate the frequency response. ;-)BTW, I am, at present, running the analog SACD outputs into the A/D of a Meridian Ref861 with room correction and,... 
Multi channel preamps
I've only heard them at demos at CES or CEDIA.Kal 
Sunny Cables "Wow"
They had a big HT demo at CEDIA.Kal 
Noobie question ...
Well, first note the smiley at the end of the quip.Second, I do go back all the way to the mid-50s when I bought my first component system and, yes, that speaker system (singular and no-name) sucked. But, of course, I was a total newbie and there ... 
Multi channel preamps
Cmo wrote: "Does Audio Research still make their 6 channel pre? Also, did'nt CJ just ome out with one?"Yes, on both counts.Kal 
Multi channel preamps
I preferred the BelCanto to the McCormack so the BC is in the big system while the McC is in the small system.Kal 
Noobie question ...
Eldartford: "Kr4...There was a time when you needed to turn the BASS and TREBLE controls all the way up to make lousy speakers sound right."If you say so. I never had lousy speakers. :-)Kal 
Noobie question ...
Zaikesman: "Please excuse the essay, but I must beg to differ with the eminent Kal here, and also the extension from his comments that Macrojack suggests."Dunno if we really differ. I like ketchup but it ain't my favorite condiment.Yes, you can do... 
$1,000 to spend on room treatment....
Found it! This is a great site for acoustics info:http://forum.studiotips.com/Kal 
Multi channel preamps
Since you didn't mention price, my favorite MCH analog pre-amp is the Bel Canto Pre6. It sounds great and is remarkably flexible. 
Multi channel preamps
Neither the Sony nor the Linar have any internal processing but the Linar does have power amps! 
What's your dream digital product ?
"A 35mm camera with all the benefits of SLR"Easy. Just go to eBay. Lots of them there.Kal 
McIntosh C45 question
It is a multichannel preamp so it doesn't need a HT bypass. Just use either of the 5.1 inputs and you can set volume with the AVR or the C45.Kal